joanneong / snapshot

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Running the application

  1. Start up the application: ./gradlew bootRun

  2. Visit the application in your local browser: localhost:8080

  3. See the application endpoints in your local browser: localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

Technical guide


The models present in models are all POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects), and are used to translate data betwen the database and the application.


Single responsibility: handle incoming requests


Additional service layer to prevent direct access to DAO from controller

Single responsibility: handle logic required for data from controller


The application relies on JPA (Java Persistence API) to communicate with an SQL database without having to define SQL queries manually.

See the database structure using the in-memory H2 database at localhost:8080/h2. Connect with the default settings (if that does not work, check that the settings are the same as configured in This database is intended for proof-of-concept and unit testing.