joao-carloto / FireRobot

Firefox extension for Robot Framework/Selenium.
28 stars 6 forks source link


WARNING! This extension will not work from Firefox 47 onward. This is due to the deprecation and removal of the FUEL library. Alternatives to this library would not support the full range of functionality that this extension provides.
Also, the extension current implementation makes it incompatible with the Firefox signing system. Basically, once you run a test from the extension, a file is written into the extension folder and the signature becomes invalid.
If you still want to use this extension I advise to downgrade to Firefox 45 or lower and disable signature verification by going to about:config and setting xpinstall.signatures.required to false. Details can be found here: Beware that this change will impact the verification of all installed extensions.


FireRobot is a Firefox extension that allows you to create Robot Framework/Selenium tests, in a more efficient way. Check the demonstration videos on YouTube or keep reading:

Keyword driven testing is in the far end of the spectrum from record and play tools, as far as test automation concerns. Although this tool has some features in common with record and play tools, it's interest lies in some specific features that will help you to create high level custom keywords, based on the Selenium2library:



Disclaimer: This tool is being released publicly because it is believed to have reached a stage where it can be helpful. However, most of it was written when the author should be sleeping, and it was not submitted to exhaustive testing. If you feel this project might be helpful to you, please contribute by providing feedback at Bugs, new features, small improvements, all are welcome. They will be addressed when possible.