joao-pm-santos96 / psr_21-22_TP3_G12

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= PSR - TP3

Refer to the link:TP3.adoc[TP3] for the game rules.

== Videos

link:[Team Hunt Arena 1]

link:[Team Hunt Arena 2]

link:[Team Hunt Arena 3]


== Run Gazebo

[source, bash]

roslaunch g12_bringup gazebo_bringup.launch :=true

can be fnr, th_arena1, th_arena2 or th_arena3. == Run Game [source, bash] ---- roslaunch g12_bringup game_bringup.launch group1:=true group2:=true group3:=true run_driver:=true visualize:=true ---- Each group is a group of one robot for each red, green and blue team. == Run Referee [source, bash] ---- rosrun th_referee th_referee ---- == Run Teleop [source, bash] ---- roslaunch g12_bringup teleop.launch player_name:=red1 keyboard:=true ---- If keyboard is false, the GUI will be used.