joaoftrodrigues / atpdb-cleanup-and-conversion-to-relational

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Decompose locations #5

Closed joaoftrodrigues closed 1 year ago

joaoftrodrigues commented 1 year ago


Both fields "Location" and "Born", establish a location, having city, country, and sometimes the state. The values are separated by comma, on a single string.


An image, representing both cases, "City, Country" and "City, State, Country", respectively. image



Bellow, there's a comment with commands + explanation, and next to it, only the commands for use.

joaoftrodrigues commented 1 year ago


Match regular expression in location and store it on db db.atpplayers.aggregate([ { $addFields: {City: { $regexFind: { input: "$Location", regex: "[^,]*" }}}}, {$out: {db: "atp", coll: "atpplayers"}}])

Change cities' values to matched words db.atpplayers.updateMany({}, [{$set: {"City": "$City.match"}}])


Match regular expression in location and store it on db db.atpplayers.aggregate([ { $addFields: {State: { $regexFind: { input: "$Location", regex: ",[ ]*([^,]*)," }}}},{$out: {db: "atp", coll: "atpplayers"}}])

Change states' values to matched words In this case, it has to be taken from captures as it's being used commas (,) on start and ending of regular expression, but only capturing the word between both. db.atpplayers.updateMany({}, [{$set: {State: {$first: "$State.captures"}}}])


Match regular expression in location and store it on db db.atpplayers.aggregate([{ $addFields: {Country: { $regexFind: { input: "$Location", regex: "([ ]*[a-zA-Z ]*,[ ]?[a-zA-Z ]*,[ ]*([ a-zA-Z.]*))|([\w ]*,[ ]*([ a-zA-Z.]*))" }}}}, {$out: {db: "atp", coll: "atpplayers"}}])

Remove nulls from array This must be done, as fields with state will have 2 nulls on different indexes, from fields without state. This way, the index will be the same for both cases.

db.atpplayers.updateMany({}, [{$set: {Country: "$Country.captures"}}])

db.atpplayers.updateMany({}, {$pull: {Country: null}})

Change countries' values to matched words Slice makes possible to access an element based on its index, but it returns an array, so $first must be used to get only the value. db.atpplayers.updateMany({}, [{$set: {Country: {$first: {$slice: ["$Country",-1,1]}}}}])