joaoftrodrigues / atpdb-cleanup-and-conversion-to-relational

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ATP database - Cleanup and conversion to relational

Parting from a non relational database containing information from tennis players, origined from atp website (, it's intended to clean it through mongoDB.

Further, after cleaning process, the database structure will be adapted to a relational database (SQL).


attplayers contains the data where the problem parts, holding information about the players and the matches on tournaments they played.

countries was orginally provided for the work, having the countries' names plus its 2 letters code. This was found of lacking countries and was adapted to the project's needs.

wikipedia-iso-country-codes is used to match 3 letters codes, to change the countries' names.


To run the queries, it's needed to import all the 3 files, which can be done with follow commands:

ATP Players mongoimport --db atp --collection atpplayers --drop --file <FILEPATH>

Original countries with 2 letters code mongoimport --db atp --collection countries --drop --file <FILEPATH> --type=csv --headerline

Countries with 3 letters code mongoimport --db atp --collection countryCodes3L --drop --file <FILEPATH> --type=csv --headerline


mongoexport --db atp --collection atpplayers --type=csv --fields _ID,PlayerID,PlayerName,Height,LinkPlayer --out c:\table_Player.csv

mongoexport --db atp --collection atpplayers --type=csv --fields _ID,Primary_Hand,Backhand --out c:\table_HandSkill.csv

mongoexport --db atp --collection atpplayers --type=csv --fields _ID,Tournament,Date_Start,Date_End,Ground --out c:\table_Tournament.csv

mongoexport --db atp --collection atpplayers --type=csv --fields _ID,Tournament,GameRound,GameRank,Oponent,WL --out c:\table_GameRound.csv

mongoexport --db atp --collection atpplayers --type=csv --fields _ID,GameRound,Score1,Score2,Score3,Score4,Score5 --out c:\table_Score.csv

mongoexport --db atp --collection atpplayers --type=csv --fields _ID,BornCity,BornState,BornCountry --out c:\table_Born.csv

mongoexport --db atp --collection atpplayers --type=csv --fields _ID,Tournament,City,State,Country --out c:\table_Location.csv


1 - Number of players, tournaments and rounds per Country

SELECT tournamentlocation.Country as "Country", count(player.PlayerID) as "Nr. of Players", count(tournament.TournamentName) as "Nr of Tournaments", count(gameround.RoundName) as "Nr. of Rounds" FROM player, gameround, tournament, tournamentlocation where player.ID=gameround.ID and tournament.ID=tournamentlocation.ID GROUP BY tournamentlocation.Country LIMIT 10

2 - List of top 10 players on winnin rate

CREATE view totalwl AS SELECT player.Name,COUNT(*) as total from player, gameround, tournament where player.ID=gameround.ID and gameround.ID=tournament.ID and (gameround.Result="W" or gameround.Result="L") group by player.Name

SELECT player.Name as "Player Name", count(*) / as "Winning games(%)" FROM player, gameround, totalwl where totalwl.Name = player.Name and player.ID=gameround.ID and gameround.Result="W" GROUP BY player.Name ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 10


3 - Top 10 of left-handed players in Grand Slam games, showing win rate in that tournament

CREATE view total_wl_ AS SELECT player.Name,COUNT(*) as total from player, gameround, tournament where player.ID=gameround.ID and gameround.ID=tournament.ID and (gameround.Result="W" or gameround.Result="L") and tournament.TournamentName IN("Australian Open","Roland Garros","Wimbledon", "US Open") group by player.Name

SELECT player.Name as "Player Name", count(*) / as "Winning games(%)" FROM player, tournament, gameround, handskill, total_wl_ where total_wl_.Name = player.Name and player.ID = tournament.ID and tournament.ID=gameround.ID and Player.ID=handskill.ID and handskill.PrimaryHand="Left-handed" and gameround.Result="W" and tournament.TournamentName IN("Australian Open","Roland Garros","Wimbledon", "US Open") GROUP BY player.Name ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 10


4 - Top 5 players in hard ground, showing number of wins

SELECT player.Name,COUNT(gameround.Result) from player,gameround,tournament where player.ID=gameround.ID and gameround.ID=tournament.ID and gameround.Result="W" and tournament.Ground="Hard" GROUP BY player.Name ORDER BY 2 DESC limit 5
