joaopalotti / trectools

A simple toolkit to process TREC files in Python.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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TrecTools is an open-source Python library for assisting Information Retrieval (IR) practitioners with TREC-like campaigns.

If this package helps your research somehow, please reference our paper:

 author = {Palotti, Joao and Scells, Harrisen and Zuccon, Guido},
 title = {TrecTools: an open-source Python library for Information Retrieval practitioners involved in TREC-like campaigns},
 series = {SIGIR'19},
 year = {2019},
 location = {Paris, France},
 publisher = {ACM}


pip install trectools


IR practitioners tasked with activities like building test collections, evaluating systems, or analysing results from empirical experiments commonly have to resort to use a number of different software tools and scripts that each perform an individual functionality – and at times they even have to implement ad-hoc scripts of their own. TrecTools aims to provide a unified environment for performing these common activities.


TrecTools is implemented in Python using standard data science libraries (NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib) and using the object-oriented paradigm. Each of the key components of an evaluation campaign is mapped to a class: classes for runs (TrecRun),topics/queries (TrecTopic), assessment pools (TrecPools), relevance assessments (TrecQrel) and the evaluation results (TrecRes). See file format for each object below. Evaluation results can be produced by TrecTools itself using the evaluation metrics implemented in the tool, or be imported from the output file of trec_eval and derivatives. The features that are currently implemented in TrecTools are:

File Formats

The three main modules found in TrecTools are inspired by the main files created in TREC campaigns: a participant run (TrecRun), a qrel (TrecQrel) e a result file (TrecRes).

TrecRun format

qid Q0 docno rank score tag


1 Q0 nhslo3844_12_012186 1 1.73315273652 mySystem
1 Q0 nhslo1393_12_003292 2 1.72581054377 mySystem
1 Q0 nhslo3844_12_002212 3 1.72522727817 mySystem
1 Q0 nhslo3844_12_012182 4 1.72522727817 mySystem
1 Q0 nhslo1393_12_003296 5 1.71374426875 mySystem

TrecQrel format

qid 0 docno relevance


1 0 aldf.1864_12_000027 1
1 0 aller1867_12_000032 2
1 0 aller1868_12_000012 0
1 0 aller1871_12_000640 1
1 0 arthr0949_12_000945 0
1 0 arthr0949_12_000974 1

TrecRes format

label qid value


Example: num_rel_ret 7 77 map 7 0.4653 P_10 9 0.9000 num_rel_ret all 1180 map all 0.1323 gm_map all 0.0504

Code Examples

Example 0

Code Snippets and toy examples with TrecTools. See ipython notebook here.

from trectools import TrecQrel, procedures

qrels_file = "./robust03/qrel/robust03_qrels.txt"
qrels = TrecQrel(qrels_file)

# Generates a P@10 graph with all the runs in a directory
path_to_runs = "./robust03/runs/"
runs = procedures.list_of_runs_from_path(path_to_runs, "*.gz")

results = procedures.evaluate_runs(runs, qrels, per_query=True)
p10 = procedures.extract_metric_from_results(results, "P_10")
fig = procedures.plot_system_rank(p10, display_metric="P@10", outfile="plot.pdf")
fig.savefig("plot.pdf", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=600)
# Sample output with one run for each participating team in robust03:

Example 1

Code Snippets for manipulating topic formats and querying different IR toolkits (shown here: Terrier and Indri)

from trectools import TrecTopics, TrecTerrier, TrecIndri

# Loads some topics from a file (e.g., topics.txt)
<topic number="201" type="single">
<query>amazon raspberry pi</query>
<description> You have heard quite a lot about cheap computing as being the way of the future,
including one recent model called a Raspberry Pi. You start thinking about buying one, and wonder how much they cost.
topics = TrecTopics()
# Or...load topics from a Python dictionary
topics = TrecTopics(topics={'201': u'amazon raspberry pi'})
# <top>
# <num>201</num>
# <title>amazon raspberry pi</title>
# </top>

# <trecFormat>true</trecFormat>
# <query>
# <id>201</id>
# <text>#combine( amazon raspberry pi )</text>
# </query>

# <trecFormat>true</trecFormat>
# <query>
# <id>201</id>
# <text>amazon raspberry pi</text>
# </query>

tt = TrecTerrier(bin_path="<PATH>/terrier/bin/") # where is located
# Runs PL2 model from Terrier with Query Expansion
tr ="<PATH>/terrier/var/index", topics="topics.xml.gz", qexp=True,
model="PL2", result_file="terrier.baseline", expTerms=5, expDocs=3, expModel="Bo1") 

ti = TrecIndri(bin_path="~/<PATH>/indri/bin/") # where IndriRunQuery is located"<PATH>/indriindex", topics, model="dirichlet", parameters={"mu":2500}, 
result_file="", ndocs=1000, qexp=True, expTerms=5, expDocs=3)

Example 2

Code Snippets for generating and exporting document pools using different pooling strategies. See ipython notebook here.

from trectools import TrecPool, TrecRun

r1 = TrecRun("./robust03/runs/input.aplrob03a.gz")
r2 = TrecRun("./robust03/runs/input.UIUC03Rd1.gz")

len(r1.topics()) # 100 topics

# Creates document pools with r1 and r2 using different strategies:

# Strategy1: Creates a pool with top 10 documents of each run:
pool1 = TrecPool.make_pool([r1, r2], strategy="topX", topX=10) # Pool with 1636 unique documents.

# Strategy2: Creates a pool with 2000 documents (20 per topic) using the reciprocal ranking strategy by Gordon, Clake and Buettcher:
pool2 = TrecPool.make_pool([r1,r2], strategy="rrf", topX=20, rrf_den=60) # Pool with 2000 unique documents.

# Check to see which pool covers better my run r1
pool1.check_coverage(r1, topX=10) # 10.0
pool2.check_coverage(r1, topX=10) # 8.35 

# Export documents to be judged using Relevation! visual assessing system
pool1.export_document_list(filename="mypool.txt", with_format="relevation")

Example 3

Code snippets showing case evaluation options available in TrecTools. See ipython notebook here.

from trectools import TrecQrel, TrecRun, TrecEval

# A typical evaluation workflow
r1 = TrecRun("./robust03/runs/input.aplrob03a.gz")
r1.topics()[:5] # Shows the first 5 topics: 601, 602, 603, 604, 605

qrels = TrecQrel("./robust03/qrel/robust03_qrels.txt")

te = TrecEval(r1, qrels)
rbp, residuals = te.get_rbp()           # RBP: 0.474, Residuals: 0.001
p100 = te.get_precision(depth=100)     # P@100: 0.186

# Check if documents retrieved by the system were judged:
cover10 = r1.get_mean_coverage(qrels, topX=10)   # 9.99
cover1000 = r1.get_mean_coverage(qrels, topX=1000) # 481.390 
# On average for system 'input.aplrob03a' participating in robust03, 480 documents out of 1000 were judged.
print("Average number of documents judged among top 10: %.2f, among top 1000: %.2f" % (cover10, cover1000))

# Loads another run
r2 = TrecRun("./robust03/runs/input.UIUC03Rd1.gz")

# Check how many documents, on average, in the top 10 of r1 were retrieved in the top 10 of r2
r1.check_run_coverage(r2, topX=10) # 3.64

# Evaluates r1 and r2 using all implemented evaluation metrics
result_r1 = r1.evaluate_run(qrels, per_query=True) 
result_r2 = r2.evaluate_run(qrels, per_query=True)

# Inspect for statistically significant differences between the two runs for  P_10 using two-tailed Student t-test
pvalue = result_r1.compare_with(result_r2, metric="P_10") # pvalue: 0.0167 

Example 4

Code Snippets for obtaining correlation measures from a set of runs. See ipython notebook here.

from trectools import misc, TrecRun, TrecQrel, procedures

qrels_file = "./robust03/qrel/robust03_qrels.txt"
path_to_runs = "./robust03/runs/"

qrels = TrecQrel(qrels_file)

runs = procedures.list_of_runs_from_path(path_to_runs, "*.gz")

results = procedures.evaluate_runs(runs, qrels, per_query=True)

# check the system correlation between P@10 and MAP using Kendall's tau for all systems participating in a campaign
misc.get_correlation( misc.sort_systems_by(results, "P_10"), 
                      misc.sort_systems_by(results, "map"), correlation = "kendall") # Correlation: 0.7647

# check the system correlation between P@10 and MAP using Tau's ap for all systems participating in a campaign
misc.get_correlation( misc.sort_systems_by(results, "P_10"), 
                      misc.sort_systems_by(results, "map"), correlation = "tauap") # Correlation: 0.77413

Example 5

Code Snippets for obtaining agreement measures from a pair of relevance assessments. See ipython notebook here.

# Code snippet to check correlation between two sets of relevance assessment (e.g., made by different cohorts - assessments made by medical doctors Vs. crowdsourced assessments)
from trectools import  TrecQrel

original_qrels_file =  "./robust03/qrel/robust03_qrels.txt"
# Changed the first 10 assessments from 0 to 1
modified_qrels_file = "./robust03/qrel/mod_robust03_qrels.txt"

original_qrels = TrecQrel(original_qrels_file)
modified_qrels = TrecQrel(modified_qrels_file)

# Overall agreement 
original_qrels.check_agreement(modified_qrels) # 0.99
# Fleiss' kappa agreement
original_qrels.check_kappa(modified_qrels) # P0: 1.00, Pe = 0.90
# 3x3 confusion matrix (labels 0, 1 or 2) 
# [[122712     10      0]
# [     0   5667      0]
# [     0      0    407]]

Example 6

Code Snippets for generating fusing two runs (Reciprocal Rank fusion shown here). See ipython notebook here.

from trectools import TrecRun, TrecEval, fusion

r1 = TrecRun("./robust03/runs/input.aplrob03a.gz")
r2 = TrecRun("./robust03/runs/input.UIUC03Rd1.gz")

# Easy way to create new baselines by fusing existing runs:
fused_run = fusion.reciprocal_rank_fusion([r1,r2])
r1_p25 = TrecEval(r1, qrels).get_precision(depth=25)          # P@25: 0.3392
r2_p25 = TrecEval(r2, qrels).get_precision(depth=25)          # P@25: 0.2872
fused_run_p25 = TrecEval(fused_run, qrels).get_precision(depth=25)   # P@25: 0.3436

print("P@25 -- Run 1: %.3f, Run 2: %.3f, Fusion Run: %.3f" % (r1_p25, r2_p25, fused_run_p25))

# Save run to disk with all its topics
fused_run.print_subset("my_fused_run.txt", topics=fused_run.topics())


This project belongs to the IR community. We welcome all kinds of contributions. Be part of it!
Thank you all amazing contributors!