This is a React Native bridge module for Wikitude which provides a simple integration to the Wikitude AR SDK.
First install the module via npm and link it up:
npm install joaquinlom/react-native-wikitude-sdk
react-native link react-native-wikitude-sdk
After that completes, you will need to do additional steps for each platform you are supporting:
Wikitude since 8.9 can be added via Maven, so in order to include it into your proyect you need to add the maven repository in your android/build.gradle
maven {
url ''
maven {
url ''
This Library uses Wikitude Version 9.6, but if you need to modify the Version, go to the node_modules/react-native-wikitude-sdk/android/build.gradle
implementation 'com.wikitude:js:9.6.0'
In your android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
file, If you have it, remove the android:allowBackup="false"
attribute from the application
node. If you want to set allowBackup, follow the method here.
If you are upgrading from the last version, you will need to remove the preivious setup.
after install the package, you need to run 'pod install' inside ios folder
cd ios
pod install
make sure that the WikitudeSDK is inside node_modules/react-native-wikitude-sdk/ios
You can only have one feature enable, the default is all. To change the feature you will need to destroy and recreate the component.
if you have a memory leak or a crash because you switch screens, you need to tell Wikitude to Stop rendering , to do this you will need to ref the component and call
wikitudeRef.current.stopRendering() and wikitudeRef.current.resumeRendering()
You can run wikitude with local experiences, in order to do this, you will need to handle different betweens platforms
Go to you main project android folder /android/app/src/main ; Create a new folder called assets, inside here you will put your folder with your experiences.
and to use it, just put the typescript url property
to your index file (Without the extension).
url: 'ARchitectExamples/07_3dModels_4_SnapToScreen/index'
Open your xworkspace file , and link a file inside the main folder.(You can drag & drop the file into xcode) You need to check that the assets are in the Build phase - Copy Bundle resources. Example: url: 'assets/ARchitectExamples/07_3dModels_4_SnapToScreen/index' P.D- this is also whitout the extension.
On Android, the assets folder naming is no neccessary but it does on IOS, you can do a conditional to set the url
Just put the url in the property, it's need to be a public URL.
style={{ flex: 1 }}
Wikitude needs the camera for display AR.
will ask for permission using the PermissionsAndroid module from React Native. if no permissions was granted, it will render a button to ask again.
Please verify the info.plist for the camera permission text, the module only check the camera permission. Note- If the users grant permission but goes to the settings and change the permission, it wont ask again for the permission, you need to link the user to the settings page or display a message.
setWorldUrl(url) Set the URL to load into the Wikitude View
callJavascript(str) Send a String as a JS, to inject into the ARView and call it.
injectLocation(lat,ln) Send location into the view to inject the location of the device, TODO
stopRendering Stops all rendering of the Wikitude View, this will stops the camera also
resumeRendering Resume the current experience, you need to stop first in order to resume.
captureScreen Will take a screenshot and the onScreenCapture will fired with a Base64 image inside the image property (event.image)
onJsonReceived(event) handles the JSON received event from the Experience
onFinishLoading(event) on Android it might call twice when is a online experience. handles the event when the Experience is finish loading
onFailLoading(event) handles the event when the experinces has an error loading
onScreeCaptured(event) handles when the images is taken, will have a Image property that is a Base64 String.
You can check this example app Github.