jobapis / jobs-dice

The Dice API is shut down. This library no longer works.
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Dice Jobs Client

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DEPRECATION NOTICE: As of October, 2017 the Dice Jobs API has been shut down. Dice has given me no reason for this, but there's nothing I can do about it. This library no longer works, and everything outlined below is just here for history's sake.

To contact Dice, please fill out this form on their website.

~~This package provides Dice Jobs API support for the JobBrander's Jobs Client.~~


To install, use composer:

composer require jobapis/jobs-dice


Create a Query object and add all the parameters you'd like via the constructor.

// Add parameters to the query via the constructor
$query = new JobApis\Jobs\Client\Queries\DiceQuery([
    'text' => 'engineering'

Or via the "set" method. All of the parameters documented in the API's documentation can be added.

// Add parameters via the set() method
$query->set('skill', 'soldering');

You can even chain them if you'd like.

// Add parameters via the set() method
$query->set('state', 'Illinois')
    ->set('city', 'Chicago')
    ->set('country', 'United States');

Then inject the query object into the provider.

// Instantiating provider with a query object
$client = new JobApis\Jobs\Client\Provider\DiceProvider($query);

And call the "getJobs" method to retrieve results.

// Get a Collection of Jobs
$jobs = $client->getJobs();

This will return a Collection of Job objects.


To run all tests except for actual API calls

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit

To run all tests including actual API calls

$ REAL_CALL=1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The Apache 2.0. Please see License File for more information.