A Twitarr client.
nvm install lts/hydrogen
nvm use lts/hydrogen (v18.20.4)
yarn install --immutable --immutable-cache
npx react-native start
npx uri-scheme open tricordarr:// --android
adb logcat [| grep ReactNativeJS]
can get logs on the deviceThe React Native upgrade process is miserable. Don't do it. Or if you do, at least
do it on a clean dedicated branch. npm install
doesn't honor package-lock.json
you need npm clean-install
for that.
npx @rnx-kit/align-deps --requirements react-native@0.72
Edit android/app/build.gradle with appropriate version info.
Version number plan:
cd android
./gradlew bundleRelease # To build AAB
./gradlew assembleRelease # For an APK
adb -s device-name-here install ~/Projects/jocosocial/tricordarr/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk
// Push to ensure that back actually goes back somewhere useful.
rootNavigation.push(RootStackComponents.rootContentScreen, {
screen: BottomTabComponents.lfgTab,
params: {
screen: LfgStackComponents.lfgOwnedScreen,
// initial false needed here to enable the stack to popToTop on bottom button press.
initial: false,
To refresh without glitches:
const onRefresh = async () => {
await Promise.all([refetch(), refetchPins()]);
Open the android
directory in Android Studio instead of the project root. It behaves better.
Might be able to mark a different one as Project Root?
Notification: trim yes padding 0
: no cache and in flight
<LoadingView />
: Background refetch (excluding initial) and refetch()
will refetch even if within the staleTime. Backgrounds will not because that's the point of staleTime.