joeferraro / MavensMate-SublimeText

Sublime Text plugin for Salesforce developers. Aims to replace the Eclipse-based IDE.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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MavensMate not responding while creating new Project #25

Closed markopb closed 11 years ago

markopb commented 12 years ago


Sorry to say that I still didn't start using the app. Even if I am now able to start the New Project creation wizard, I cannot complete it. After populating name, username and password and click on Create Project, complete form goes gray and loading indicator appears but it never ends, just hanging for minutes.

The same behavior is when just click on tab Metadata. Loading indicator appears and never get chance to choose metadata or switch to some other tab again. The behavior is the same no mater if I enter some data on Details or Version Control tab.

Hope this can help resolving the issue.

Thank you in advance

joeferraro commented 12 years ago

Can you connect to any org?

try creating a project with these credentials:

username: password: force

does it work for you?

if not, try right clicking the New Project UI and selecting "Inspect Element". If the operation is hanging, you may be able to see some debug information in the WebKit inspector console.

markopb commented 12 years ago

I cannot connect to any org and also to this org. As I already said, the same thing happens when click on Metadata tab so I am pretty sure that it is irrelevant which org it is. I can right click while hanging and can click on inspect element but nothing appears. Maybe I don't understand where I should look for a WebKit inspector console :(

joeferraro commented 12 years ago

can you update MavensMate

$ ruby < <(curl -s

and let me know whether your New Project operation still hangs? It should now at least display a helpful error message.

markopb commented 12 years ago

I updated but not sure if anything has changed. The only difference is that I don't have Inspect element on right click anymore. And maybe the difference is that I get screen back again after like 2 minutes of hanging but not 100% that I waited that long before update. I still don't get where I should look for a error message since there were no pop ups or anything during the hanging process or before/after. Everything I can see is in console those two lines are added after clicking on the New Project in toolbar:

9/6/12 9:34:41.995 AM Dock[141]: no information back from LS about running process

9/6/12 9:34:42.195 AM MavensMate[11929]: process info: ( "/Users/markotomic/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/MavensMate/bin/", "-url", "/var/folders/_m/002p_jhx3qj0pzg9qy5fhm5w0000gn/T/mmKghKWf" )

Besides that I don't know where should I look for.

joeferraro commented 12 years ago


$ defaults write org.mavens.MavensMate WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true

in order to get the WebKit inspector option when you right click the UI.

markopb commented 12 years ago

Ok, I did it and now I was able to catch some details. After hanging for a minute or two I got error messages as attached in those two screen shots:

Hope this will help Marko

binaryjunkie commented 11 years ago

I'm getting the same symptoms, even using the credentials you provided above.

MavensMate 1.4.5, OS X 10.8.2, Sublime 2.0.1 (2217)

The data arg being passed into the complete function serializes to this: "{"readyState":4,"responseText":"","status":200,"statusText":"OK"}"

No response text, as you can see.

asartogo commented 11 years ago

Getting the exact same issue on both the latest mm version and v 0.0.7

joeferraro commented 11 years ago

I've seen hanging ruby processes cause unexpected behavior in MM in the past. Can you kill any ruby processes running (with Activity Monitor or Terminal), restart Sublime Text and try again?

binaryjunkie commented 11 years ago

Close Sublime

$ ps ax | grep ruby
26012 s000  R+     0:00.00 grep ruby

Open Sublime MavensMate > Project > New Project

$ ps ax | grep ruby
26074   ??  S      0:00.01 ruby -r /Users/binaryjunkie/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/MavensMate/support/lib/local_server.rb -e MavensMate::LocalServer.start
26123 s000  R+     0:00.00 grep ruby

Enter credentials Click "Metadata"

joeferraro commented 11 years ago

@binaryjunkie can i ask what ruby version you're using? if using rvm, can you test with a few different versions of ruby to see if we can pinpoint the issue?

binaryjunkie commented 11 years ago

1.9.2. I'm on mountain lion and currently having issues using other versions of ruby (yay), but once I get RVM playing nicely I'll update this.

joeferraro commented 11 years ago

Hey guys, I've pushed the option to use Thin (instead of WEBRick) which attempts to fix this issue. Please update mavensmate and also run gem install mavensmate in case you don't have Thin installed.

Once updated, set the "mm_local_server" configuration value to "thin" and retest. Hopefully this will solve your issue(s).

binaryjunkie commented 11 years ago

That did it, thanks, @joeferraro!

markopb commented 11 years ago

For me still doesn't work. I did following:

  1. $ ruby < <(curl -s
  2. $ gem install mavensmate
  3. Add line at the bottom of user settings: "mm_local_server" : "thin"

Behavior is still the same

joeferraro commented 11 years ago

@markopb did you restart sublime text after you set the mm_local_server variable?

joeferraro commented 11 years ago

@asartogo does this fix work for you?

markopb commented 11 years ago

Yes, I restarted it a couple of times.

asartogo commented 11 years ago

It did not @joeferraro Here is all my info, hopefully this helps:

Ruby version and installed gems:

Mavens Mate Settings:

Inspector Error:

joeferraro commented 11 years ago

@asartogo it looks to me like a timeout issue. can you try creating a project in a developer org and select a single piece of metadata (like 1 Apex Class)?

thanks in advance for helping me debug this issue.

asartogo commented 11 years ago

Yes it is a timeout issue, but it's also happening when moving from the credentials tab to the metadata tab (while indexing the metadata) with the same error. I tried with a dev org with very little changes.

joeferraro commented 11 years ago

@asartogo this patch (v1.4.7) attempts to fix your issue

joeferraro commented 11 years ago

ok guys, this latest patch is a pretty significant one in that it dramatically modifies the way the local server handles long running processes. it should address your timeout issues, so i'm going to close this issue for now. if, after updating, you're still experiencing issues, please feel free to re-open.


markopb commented 11 years ago

For me, the behavior is changed after updating but still doesn't work. Constant presence of loading indicator is not an issue anymore but now when I click on Create Project button nothing happen except two error messages appear in the log console:

  1. Syntax error: JSON Parse error: Unexpected EOF
  2. Failed to load resource: Could not connect to the server
joeferraro commented 11 years ago

@markopb what happens if you run this command in terminal:

$ ruby -r '/Users/your_username_here/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/MavensMate/support/lib/local_server_thin.rb' -e 'MavensMate::LocalServerThin.start'
markopb commented 11 years ago

I run this line and got status information about starting the Thin web server

Maximum connections set to 1024 Listening on, CTRL+C to stop

Ok, so the server is no up and running so I don't have the "nothing is happening" behavior anymore. Also, no error messages in the console anymore. However, it still doesn't create new project and the new behavior is: Loading indicator present for 20-30 seconds and after Message in red header is shown: "Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect" . In console log a couple of lines of "checking status of async request" is displayed with status pending and the last one with success:false

responseText: "{"success":false,"body":"Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect","project_name":"fdsfdas","body_type":"text"}"

I used those credentials: username: password: force

joeferraro commented 11 years ago

ok, so at least now we know this is an SSL issue. are you using rvm or system ruby?

joeferraro commented 11 years ago

this looks like a similar issue that was fixed by reinstalling openssl

markopb commented 11 years ago

I am using rvm. This is my ruby version: ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-darwin12.1.0]

I did exactly what this guy suggested in this link which installed openssl 1.0.1c on my computer. Also, I have run command rvm reinstall 1.9.3-p194 --with-openssl-dir=~/.rvm/usr which reinstalled the ruby as suggested. Unfortunately, the behavior is unchanged. I suppose that I should start looking for a problem on my end...

joeferraro commented 11 years ago really sorry man! i feel bad, but it seems like the openssl issue is difficult to resolve!

Richard0208 commented 10 years ago

Hi Joe,

I am getting the key ring error and I am using Sublime 3 beta version, Please help


MAVENSMATE: response from mm: Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Users\Creeper\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\MavensMate\mm\", line 6, in

from lib.request import MavensMateRequestHandler

File "C:\Users\Creeper\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\MavensMate\mm\lib\", line 3, in

import util

File "C:\Users\Creeper\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\MavensMate\mm\lib\", line 24, in

import keyring

ImportError: No module named keyring

robertovg commented 10 years ago

I had exactly the same problem, in my case I just updated the correct location for python ( mm_python_location property ) in "mavensmate.sublime-settings" configuration file with the real value, that in my case was "/usr/local/bin" instead of "/usr/bin/python" and now it's working like a charm!

I hope it's useful

Chitee commented 7 years ago

Hi joeferraro,

Please tell me how can I update Mavensmate. I'm very new to this and I'm facing the same issue of indefinite loading & creation of Metadata when I try to create a new trigger. When I click on the option in Mavensmate for update, I get directed to the GitHub page. This GitHub page contains many versions of Mavesmate (most of them are Beta versions). I currently have version 10 which isn't Beta. So, I don't know how should I update mavensmate. You said in one of the above posts to update Mavensmate and then run gem install mavensmate. Please tell me how to update mavensmate and also how to run gem install mavensmate...Please help. I'm a new salesforce greenhorn!!