joeferraro / MavensMate-SublimeText

Sublime Text plugin for Salesforce developers. Aims to replace the Eclipse-based IDE.
GNU General Public License v3.0
290 stars 119 forks source link

Facing the famous error - "The local MavensMate server did not respond properly. This likely means it is not running or it is malfunctioning. Try restarting your text editor and" #558

Closed KaushikRay closed 9 years ago

KaushikRay commented 9 years ago

While creating a new project on windows machine I am facing error of -

I searched and found multiple issues already logged for same like - but none worked for me.

Can you please help me with same.

The local MavensMate server did not respond properly. This likely means it is not running or it is malfunctioning. Try restarting your text editor and

This is the debug I got -

---------- NEW OPERATION REQUESTED ---------

new_project Namespace(client='SUBLIME_TEXT_3', format='json', offline=False, operation='new_project', quiet=False, respond_with_html=False, ui_switch=True, uid=None, verbose=False) {'operation': 'new_project', 'args': Namespace(client='SUBLIME_TEXT_3', format='json', offline=False, operation='new_project', quiet=False, respond_with_html=False, ui_switch=True, uid=None, verbose=False), 'ui': True, 'verbose': False, 'client': 'SUBLIME_TEXT_3'}

UI operation requested, attempting to launch MavensMate UI

result from command execution {'body': 'UI Generated Successfully', 'body_type': 'text', 'success': True, 'time': '1.246000051498413'}

<type 'dict'>


{ "body": "UI Generated Successfully", "body_type": "text", "success": true, "time": "1.246000051498413" }

KaushikRay commented 9 years ago

Just to add following is my user settings -


MavensMate settings
NOTE: MavensMate user settings will override MavensMate default settings
To override default MavensMate settings, modify user-specific settings (MavensMate --> Settings --> User) 
** Most changes require a SublimeText restart **

    //set to absolute location where you wish your MavensMate project to reside
    //if the location does not exist, MavensMate will attempt to create it
    //for example: "/Users/username/Documents/workspaces/mavensmate" (notice the absolute path)
    //WINDOWS USERS: it's probably best to set this like so: C:\\path\\to\\your\\workspace
    //****NEW****: you can now set mm_workspace to an array of locations on your file system
    // "mm_workspace" : [
    //      "/my/workspace",
    //      "/my/other/workspace",
    //      "/my/super/secret/workspace"
    // ]

    //set if you're behind a proxy (you can also set via export HTTP_PROXY, export HTTPS_PROXY)
    //----IMPORTANT: you MUST escape the 2 slashes after http: and https: as shown below (dont ask, it's a dumb JSON-with-comments parsing issue)
    //  "mm_http_proxy"  : "http:\/\/",
    //  "mm_https_proxy" : "http:\/\/"
    // HTTP Basic Auth
    //  "mm_http_proxy"  : "http:\/\/user:pass@",
    //  "mm_https_proxy" : "http:\/\/user:pass@"

    "mm_http_proxy" : "",

    "mm_https_proxy" : "",

    //set to desired API version (tooling api functionality requires 27.0+)
    "mm_api_version" : "31.0",

    //generate from used to capture high-level usage statistics for community functionality like collaboration, gamification
    "mm_community_api_token" : "",

    //if true, MavensMate will automatically hide the debug panel upon a successful operation
    "mm_hide_panel_on_success" : true,

    //the amount of time (in seconds) before MavensMate hides the debug panel upon a successful operation
    "mm_hide_panel_time" : 0,

    //if true, MavensMate will capture the save file operation and compile to the server automatically 
    "mm_compile_on_save" : true,

    //if false, mavensmate will store/retrieve sensitive data like passwords in a less secure way
    //set to false only if having issues specifically with keyring or gnome-keyring
    "mm_use_keyring" : true,

    //if true, MavensMate will check for server conflicts and present a server diff when it finds a conflict
    "mm_compile_check_conflicts": true,

    //if true, MavensMate will present local/server diff view when conflict is found for the purposes of merging changes (beta)
    "mm_diff_server_conflicts": true,

    //if true, MavensMate will scroll to the line of a reported exception when there is a compilation error
    "mm_compile_scroll_to_error": true,

    //if true, MavensMate will rollback compiles when an error is encountered
    "mm_compile_rollback_on_error": true,

    //if true, MavensMate will hook into the Sublime Text completions API to offer code assistance
    "mm_autocomplete" : true,

    //if true, MavensMate will check for updates to the mm executable when Sublime Text starts
    "mm_check_for_updates" : true,

    //if true, MavensMate will look for and download pre-releases (beta versions) of the MavensMate API, mm
    "mm_beta_user" : false,

    //if true, MavensMate will automatically install updates to the MavensMate API, mm
    "mm_auto_install_mm_updates" : true,

    //possible values: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, DEBUG, INFO
    "mm_log_level" : "DEBUG",

    //location where mm debug log should be placed (must be existing path)
    //windows users: please set like so: C:\\path\\to\\your\\logs
    "mm_log_location" : "D:/WORKSPACE/SALESFORCE_WS/PERSONAL_WS/Logs",

    //if true, mavensmate will send usage statistics (NEVER sensitive information like usernames/passwords/etc) for development, reporting, & debugging purposes (see for source of the call)
    "mm_send_usage_statistics" : true,

    //the path of the mm command line tool
    //"default" means the mm directory is a top-level directory in the package root (MavensMate/mm)
    //if you want MavensMate for Sublime Text to point to a different mm install, please set its path here (some/other/directory/mm)
    "mm_path" : "default",

    //if true, mavensmate will open UIs in default browser
    //linux/windows users: mavensmate UIs are static HTML files, so ensure your browser is set up to open .HTML files by default
    "mm_use_browser_as_ui" : false, 

    //(advanced users only) set to true if you want to use python 2.7 to run (mm_python_location and mm_py_location must be set)
    "mm_developer_mode" : false,

    //set to location of your python 2.7 install (mm_developer_mode must be set to true)
    "mm_python_location" : "/usr/bin/python",

    //if you wish to run mm via python, you must set this to the location of your file
    "mm_mm_py_location" : "/path/to/",

    //linux users: the location of your "subl" executable
    "mm_subl_location" : "/usr/bin/subl",

    //windows users: set to the location of your sublime_text.exe
    "mm_windows_subl_location" : "C:/Program Files (x86)/Sublime Text 3/sublime_text.exe",

    //specify a path for custom wsdl files here. wsdls must be named: apex.xml, partner.xml, metadata.xml, tooling.xml
    "mm_wsdl_path" : "",

    //OSX only: the location of your Sublime Text install
    "mm_plugin_client_location" : "/Applications",

    //OSX only: the name of your plugin client app (Sublime, Sublime Text, etc.)
    "mm_osx_plugin_client_app_name" : "Sublime Text",

    //set to true to use the tooling api to compile apex metadata (if you're experiencing any compile issues, set this to false to use the metadata api)
    "mm_compile_with_tooling_api" : true,

    //set to true if you want a history of your executed apex scripts in project/apex-scripts
    "mm_log_anonymous_apex" : true,

    //set to true to play notification sounds
    "mm_play_sounds" : true,

    //local server port
    "mm_server_port" : 7777,

    //mavensmate will attempt to compile when savings files with the following extensions
    "mm_apex_file_extensions": [

    //template location, e.g. "remote" or "local" ("remote" refers to templates located on github)
    "mm_template_location": "remote",

    //template location 
    //if "mm_template_location" is set to "local", set to absolute location of the directory where you've forked the MavensMate-Templates project
        //example: "mm_template_source" : "/path/to/templates"
    //if "mm_template_location" is set to "remote", set to github location)
        //example: "mm_template_source" : "username/reponame/branchname"
    //project directory/repository must be in the format found here:
    "mm_template_source": "joeferraro/MavensMate-Templates/master",

    //the default metadata available in a project (may be set on a per-project basis in the "advanced" tab of the new and edit project UIs)
    "mm_default_subscription" : [

    //ignore metadata from managed packages (highly recommended)
    "mm_ignore_managed_metadata" : true,

    //the number of the most recent apex debug logs to download during the "fetch logs" command
    "mm_number_of_logs_limit" : 10,

    //choices: "metadata" or "apex". "metadata" is recommended, however if your tests are taking forever to run, try switching to "apex"
    //we're working on async testing api support in 0.36
    "mm_test_api" : "metadata",

    //if true, mavensmate will store all deployment packages in your project's "deploy" directory
    "mm_archive_deployments" : true,

    //if true, mavensmate will set the purgeOnDelete to true during metadata deletes (a hard delete)
    "mm_purge_on_delete" : false,

    "mm_verbose" : false,

    //set to false if during completions, the size of your .org_metadata file is bogging down the editor during code completion
    "mm_use_org_metadata_for_completions" : true,

    //set to false if index symbol indexing during project creation/upgrade is causing timeouts
    "mm_mass_index_apex_symbols" : false,

    //set to false if you want to use the async apex testing endpoint (beta)
    "mm_use_legacy_test_ui" : true,

    //if true, a log will be generated for every test run during "run all tests" command
    "mm_download_logs_during_run_all_tests" : false,

    //timeout (in seconds) for calls to the servers
    "mm_timeout" : 10,

    //*BETA* if true, MavensMate will compare the state of the destination org(s) before deployment
    "mm_compare_before_deployment" : true,

    //Advanced users only: if true, MavensMate will not check if your project was created using an older version of MavensMate
    "mm_skip_legacy_check" : false
KaushikRay commented 9 years ago

Not totally sure if it helps but I tried running on local browser and it gave me "It works" message on Chrome

ralphcallaway commented 9 years ago

so is the new project window showing up at all? or is it just erroring when you create a project?

if you can open the new project window but it's just not working, you can open up the respective browser developer console and see additional error logging (i.e. what exception lead to it saying the server is down)

since the server may in fact be down, you can look for issues there by restarting sublime text, then opening the console (you can find it under the view menu), and looking to see if there are any errors there

in case you're curious things are kind of convoluted since everyone wants a GUI, and sublime text doesn't really support them, so here's the flow

for what it's worth, this seems to work fine for me with similar settings on the various platforms ...

KaushikRay commented 9 years ago

I stopped using sublime post that. But after your comment today I reopened and whoa..!! it is working properly. Not sure what the error was at that time. I was getting stuck at browser window from where i can create a new project from UI.

I would assume it must be something around "browser sends ajax requests to a local web server" but now its working..

Thanks a lot. We can close this issue