joeferraro / MavensMate-SublimeText

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Org updated to Summer '16 - Now I get compile errors #783

Closed tglaess closed 8 years ago

tglaess commented 8 years ago

My dev org upgraded to Summer '16 this weekend. When I save a VF page this morning, I get this error:

Result: [OPERATION FAILED]: Whoops, unable to parse the response. Please enable logging ( and post relevant log(s) to a new issue at

"operation": "compile-metadata", 
"result": {
    "completedDate": "", 
    "status": "", 
    "id": "", 
    "numberTestsCompleted": 0, 
    "ignoreWarnings": false, 
    "createdByName": "", 
    "numberTestsTotal": 0, 
    "createdDate": "", 
    "success": false, 
    "done": false, 
    "runTestsEnabled": "false", 
    "lastModifiedDate": "", 
    "numberComponentsTotal": 0, 
    "numberComponentsDeployed": 0, 
    "numberComponentErrors": 1, 
    "startDate": "", 
    "rollbackOnError": false, 
    "checkOnly": false, 
    "createdBy": "", 
    "details": {
        "runTestResult": {
            "numFailures": "0", 
            "totalTime": "0.0", 
            "numTestsRun": "0"
        "componentFailures": [
                "attributes": {
                    "url": "/services/data/v34.0/tooling/sobjects/ContainerAsyncRequest/1dr180000010SKcAAM", 
                    "type": "ContainerAsyncRequest"
                "IsCheckOnly": false, 
                "Id": "1dr180000010SKcAAM", 
                "DeployDetails": null, 
                "State": "Error", 
                "MetadataContainerId": "1dc18000000CDauAAG", 
                "ErrorMsg": "An unexpected error has occurred. 80217062-25084 (1924580756)", 
                "MetadataContainerMemberId": null
        "componentSuccesses": []
    "numberTestErrors": 0
"complete": true, 
"id": "99a643c0-15f5-11e6-b511-b763167381ec"


tglaess commented 8 years ago

Ok, this is strange. I was trying everything I could think of for an hour before I posted above. 5 minutes after I post, things start working. Sorry to bother you. Any ideas what would have caused the problem?

tglaess commented 8 years ago

I found some more information on this. If the VF has a compile error, you get the above message. If the page is fine, it compiles and saves just fine.

amilabdallah commented 8 years ago

I am having this issue as well. Came back from a week of vacation to see that our sandbox org upgraded to Summer 16 and now whenever I compile it either gives the unable to parse the response error or it sits there compiling infinitely until I decide to cancel the compile and try again.

Update: It seems after doing a complete project refresh/pull from the server I am able to compile successfully. I will continue to monitor my usage and see if anything changes over the next 24 hours.

Update 2: The project refresh may have just been a fluke. I attempted the same thing this morning and I am currently unable to save/compile. It is sitting there compiling infinitely again.

Update 3: I'm noticing sometimes that when I attempt to compile and there is an error in my code I get the "Whoops, unable to parse response" error instead of the error in my code, for example, if I have an extra curly bracket or reference a field that does not exist, I get the unable to parse response message instead of the specific error. When I fix the error, it will compile fine...most of the time. I just find it odd that it is not telling me what is wrong with my code.

"ErrorMsg": "An unexpected error has occurred. 570914325-21845 (1924580756)"

Update 4: (6/8/16) The error message decides to randomly appear now. Often times it is taking 5+ attempts of trying to compile/save in which I receive the "Whoops, unable to parse response" error before it finally decides to successfully compile/save.

amilabdallah commented 8 years ago

Are there any updates on this issue? I am getting this message a lot lately and it takes multiple attempts of compiling and saving until it finally decides to save.

davehahn commented 8 years ago

This is also affecting me quite frequently. Sometimes it works fine, other times it fails for a bunch of times and then saves fine. Some times I also receive a conflict with the server version, which doesn't usually happen.

yiliangx commented 8 years ago

Any update on this issue? It's impacting our dev as well.