joel16 / PSV-VSH-Menu

A VSH menu tai-hen plugin for the PS VITA.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A VSH menu taiHEN plugin for the PS VITA games and homebrews. Currently does not work in SceShell.

This plugin is no longer maintained. Please use something else or don't use it. Any issues reported will be ignored.



Put vsh.suprx and kuio.skprx in "tai" folder in the root of your Vita (ur0:/tai/). If you already have kuio installed from another plugin then you don't need to use the one bundlded in VSH's release.

Edit config.txt in that directory to load plugin for title of your choice by adding new lines like below:



Go to settings -> Henkaku settings -> Reload tai config -> Reboot device. Then use L + R + START or L + R + SELECT to open the VSH menu.

Custom colours

Uses 8 digit hex codes -> AARRGGBB.

Open ur0:/data/vsh/custom_colour_config.cfg using your computer, or VITAShell and edit the following to your liking.

TITLE_BG_COL = Title background colour
BG_COL = Background colour
CURSOR_COL = Cursor/selector colour
TITLE_TEXT_COL = Title font colour
TEXT_COL = Font colour
