Game Boy Emulator for N64 using Transfer Pak. "The SuperGameBoy64 Nintendo never made" Core emulation logic wasn't written by me but adapted from by koenk
Runs on by DragonMinded.
Other than those, credit to
Font is Polygon Party
For anyone that stumbles across this and feels like trying it out, beware that while it does successfully read in ROMs from the T-Pak and "emulate" the gameboy, it currently "runs" at about 10 frames per second, (slightly faster if you don't bother rending half the frames) not to mention a bunch of graphical issues and just plain ugliness that I've decided not to fix until I get performance under control.
In parallel I'm writing SuperTestBoy a game boy ROM intended to exercise each of the Super Gameboy features to make sure they are implemented as correctly as possible in Transfer Boy
I will try to put any updates on my twitter