joeljuca /

Technical blog (unix, webdev, open source, opinions, etc.)
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My personal blog.

I try my best to keep some quality on published content, thus maximizing its usefulness. If you find a bug, mistake or a typo, please open an issue.


I use the GitHub issue tracker to manage the publishing workflow. Use it to participate, upvoting an article you would like to have me writing about, or even suggesting a new one.


If you would like to contribute, or you're forking it to make your own blog (yep, you can do it!), here are the instructions you need to follow in order to run it locally.

It uses Jekyll, which depends on Ruby, RubyGems and Bundler, so you must have them installed on your system. Please refer to their website for installation instructions.

Clone the repo and install dependencies

$ git clone
$ cd
$ bundle install

Start the development server

$ bundle exec jekyll serve