joemecha / little_esty_shop_bulk_discounts

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Table of contents

General info

This project an extension of a previous project - "Little Esty Shop." It adds functionality for merchants to create bulk discounts for their items. “Bulk discounts” are discounts based on the quantity of items the customer is buying, for example “20% off orders of 10 or more items”.


Link to Admin Dashboard:

Link to a Merchant's Dashboard:

Database Schema


Learning Goals / Areas of Focus


Project is created with:


To run this program:

  1. To run this program, view in browser

Open the browser of your choice and navigate to:

To run locally:

  1. From this repository, press the green "clone" button and then copy the link by pressing the Copy To Clipboard icon.
  2. Navigate to the folder where you want to save it and enter: ''' $ git clone '''
  3. Navigate into the new folder containing this project ''' $ cd little_esty_shop_bulk_discounts '''
  4. Install required gem files ''' $ bundle install '''

Connecting to the database & starting the server:

  1. Make sure the app PostgreSQL is running
  2. Run the following commands: ''' $ rails s $ rails db{drop,create,migrate} $ rails load:all '''

View in browser

  1. Open the browser of your choice and navigate to: ''' http://localhost:3000/ '''


List of features ready and TODOs for future development

To-do list:

Bulk Discount Scenarios

Bulk discount logic handles the following cases:

Example 1

Merchant A has one Bulk Discount
Bulk Discount A is 20% off 10 items
Invoice A includes two of Merchant A’s items
Item A is ordered in a quantity of 5
Item B is ordered in a quantity of 5
In this example, no bulk discounts are applied.

Example 2

Merchant A has one Bulk Discount
Bulk Discount A is 20% off 10 items
Invoice A includes two of Merchant A’s items
Item A is ordered in a quantity of 10
Item B is ordered in a quantity of 5
In this example, Item A is discounted at 20% off. Item B is not discounted.

Example 3

Merchant A has two Bulk Discounts
Bulk Discount A is 20% off 10 items
Bulk Discount B is 30% off 15 items
Invoice A includes two of Merchant A’s items
Item A is ordered in a quantity of 12
Item B is ordered in a quantity of 15
In this example, Item A is discounted at 20% off, and Item B is discounted at
30% off.

Example 4

Merchant A has two Bulk Discounts
Bulk Discount A is 20% off 10 items
Bulk Discount B is 15% off 15 items
Invoice A includes two of Merchant A’s items
Item A is ordered in a quantity of 12
Item B is ordered in a quantity of 15
In this example, Both Item A and Item B is discounted at 20% off. Additionally,
there is no scenario where Bulk Discount B can be applied.

Example 5

Merchant A has two Bulk Discounts
Bulk Discount A is 20% off 10 items
Bulk Discount B is 30% off 15 items
Merchant B has no Bulk Discounts
Invoice A includes two of Merchant A’s items
Item A1 is ordered in a quantity of 12
Item A2 is ordered in a quantity of 15
Invoice A also includes one of Merchant B’s items
Item B is ordered in a quantity of 15
In this example, Item A1 is discounted at 20% off, and Item A2 is discounted at
30% off. Item B is not be discounted.


Project is: completed


Created by

~ feel free to contact me ~
