Provides a place for people to find others to play their favorite games with and make new friends!
Installation Instructions
git clone this repo
install credentials file for the database (check model/DBConnection.php for location)
The format for the credentials file is laid out below
run MYSQL table setup statements (in Wiki)
open website in browser
Group 12 - Members:
- Homer Gaidarski
- Benjamin Liu
- Arthur Martin
- Carlos Martinez
- Kean Mattingly
- Jared Melton
Workflow Instructions
- Find issue assigned to you
- Create a branch from the premaster branch named 'yourfirstname_work'
- Clone repository to Desktop
- VERY IMPORTANT Switch to your work branch before making changes
- Make changes on desktop until issue resolved
- Pull changes one last time from the premaster branch and merge to make sure it still works with your new code
- Push your updated branch changes to GitHub
- Create a Pull Request into the premaster branch from 'yourfirstname_work' branch and mention the issue resolved
- The build meister(s) will pull the request, test it, and mark the issue complete or give feedback on what needs to be fixed
- Repeat the process
Note: The premaster branch will be merged into the master branch from time to time when it is determined stable. Probably once at the end of every sprint.