joesan / power-simulator

A simple simulator that simulates the power generation of some power plant
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Note: This project is not maintained anymore. Please have a look at:


A simple simulator app that simulates the operation of a power producing plant

For simplicity, this simulator assumes that there are essentially two types of power producing plants:

  1. A PowerPlant that is steerable by turning it on or off (ex., battery)
  2. A PowerPlant that is steerable by ramping it up (ex., generators, gas turbines)



Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


1. Install Java Version 8
2. Install Scala Version 2.11.8
3. Install IntelliJ - Latest community edition and then install the latest Scala plugin available


Follow the steps below to import the project into IntelliJ

1. Clone the project from: 
   git clone

2. Fire up IntelliJ and import the project

3. If you are opening IntelliJ for the first time, set up the Scala library in IntelliJ

Running tests

You have the option here to either run tests from IntelliJ or from the command line

To run tests from the command line, do the following:

1. Open a terminal and navigate to the project root folder 

2. Issue the following command:
   sbt clean test

To run any specific tests from within IntelliJ, simply right click the test that you wish you run and click Run

Running the application

This application is built as a web application using the Play framework. To run the application, perform the following steps: TODO: Descibe how to dockerize!

1. Open a terminal and navigate to the project root folder 

2. Issue the following command:
   sbt run

3. Navigate to the following url on your favorite browser:

   [TODO...] document!


[[TODO]] Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system

Built With


[[TODO]] Add to the project root

Authors / Maintainers


Feel free to use it
