<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status" src="https://img.shields.io/coverity/scan/12883.svg"/>
BXR_PLOVER는 최근 정부에서 진행되는 개방형 OS 도입 및 확산 프로젝트의 한 부분으로 진행되는 연구 개발로써 개방형 OS 환경에서의 민감정보 검출 및 유출을 방지하기 위한 방향으로 진행할 것이며, RabbitMQ를 사용하여 Server와 Client 통신을 하고 MariaDB, Tomcat을 사용할 예정이다.
현재 간단한 UI를 통한 Server/Client 구조로 txt파일 형태의
민감정보(주민등록번호) 검출이 가능하며 hwp, pdf 등과 같은 다양한 문서포맷을 검출하는 모듈을 개발중이다.
(이후에 여권번호, 운전면허번호 등과 같은 다양한 민감정보를 검출하도록 확장할 계획)
또한 관리자 페이지와 아이콘도 같이 개발 및 디자인 중이다.
##프로세스 구상도 및 사용 도구##
Client <=> Server <=> Web <=> Administrator
Debian 10
GTK+ 3.24.10
RabbitMQ 3.7.17
CentOS 7.6.1810
RabbitMQ 3.7.17
MariaDB 10.4.7
Web/WAS 9.0.21
Web Console
The following checks are performed:
The following real world projects use a variety of these techniques as part of their SDP:
Although this repo can be made to run on most systems, the following are the supported platforms and their dependencies:
sudo apt-get install git build-essential cmake
To compile and install this example, use the following instructions:
git clone https://github.com/ainfosec/ci_helloworld.git
mkdir ci_helloworld/build
cd ci_helloworld/build
cmake ..
make test
The following provides a description of all of the analysis tools that have been integrated into the CI services used by this project including an explanation of how it works.
The CI is setup to check for missing documentation using doxygen. Unlike most of the analysis tools used in this project, there is no make target for doxygen, and instead it is run using doxygen manually with the following script:
- doxygen .doxygen.txt
- |
if [[ -s doxygen_warnings.txt ]]; then
echo "You must fix doxygen before submitting a pull request"
echo ""
cat doxygen_warnings.txt
exit -1
This script runs doxygen against the source code and any warnings are placed
into a file called doxygen_warnings.txt
. If this file is empty, it means that
the doxygen analysis passed, and all of the code is documented based on the
settings in the .doxygen.txt
configuration file. If this files is not
empty, the test fails, and prints the warnings generated by doxygen.
git diff --check
provides a simple way to detect when whitespace errors
has been checked into the repo, as well as checking when end-of-file newlines
are either missing, or contain too many. More information about this check
can be found here. This check is extremely
useful for developers when PRs contain modifications unrelated to their specific
- |
if [[ -n $(git diff --check HEAD^) ]]; then
echo "You must remove whitespace before submitting a pull request"
echo ""
git diff --check HEAD^
exit -1
This check simply runs git diff --check
, which returns with an error if the
check fails. If this occurs, the diff is displayed for the user to see.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.