joevento / Nvidia-Isaac-Sim-Tree-Generator

Nvidia isaac sim extension which can be used to place infinite amount of trees which are specified in an .txt file.
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Nvidia Isaac Sim Tree Generator

This script is designed to generate a forest of trees in an NVIDIA Isaac Sim simulation based on information provided in a .txt file. Each line in the .txt file represents the coordinates, type, and scale of a tree to be placed in the simulation.


  1. Installation: Make sure you have NVIDIA Isaac Sim installed and set up.

  2. Download Tree Models: Download tree models in USD format and specify their paths in the script. I sadly cannot share the trees I used when developing this. So you will have to find or model them yourself. (Birch_usd_path, Spruce_usd_path, Pine_usd_path, Maple_usd_path).

  3. Prepare Tree Coordinates File: Create a .txt file containing tree coordinates, type, and scale information. Each line in the file should be formatted as follows:

    x_coordinate; y_coordinate; z_coordinate; tree_type; scale_x; scale_y; scale_z
  4. Run the Script: Run the script and specify the path to the tree coordinates file. Use the provided interface to generate or delete trees in the simulation.

Script Details


This function reads tree coordinates from the specified file and generates trees in the simulation based on the provided information.

delete_forest(stage: Stage)

This function removes all trees generated by the script from the simulation.

convert_rotation(roll, pitch, yaw)

Converts rotation angles from degrees to quaternions.

check_raycast(stage, path_to_object)

Projects a raycast from the tree's origin to find the ground level and adjusts the tree's position accordingly.


The script provides a simple user interface with the following components:


Feel free to customize the script and interface according to your requirements!