joeymasip / docker-symfony4

Docker environment for a Symfony4 project
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Docker environment for a Symfony4 project

Add to your project

Move the docker-compose.yml and the folder named phpdocker containing nginx and php-fpm config for it to the root of your Symfony4 project.

Ensure the webserver config on docker\nginx.conf is correct for your project. For instance, for Symfony4 it should look for the public/index.php, instead of the web/app.php from Symfony2 and Symfony3

Note: you may place the files elsewhere in your project. Make sure you modify the locations for the php-fpm dockerfile, the php.ini overrides and nginx config on docker-compose.yml if you do so.

How to run


Once you're done, simply cd to your project and run docker-compose up -d. This will initialise and start all the containers, then leave them running in the background.

Docker compose cheatsheet

Note: you need to cd first to where your docker-compose.yml file lives.

Docker general cheatsheet

Note: these are global commands and you can run them from anywhere.

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