joeyz0z / ConZIC

Official implementation of "ConZIC: Controllable Zero-shot Image Captioning by Sampling-Based Polishing"
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How to use SentiCap dataset and FlickrStyle10k dataset? #1

Open Rouchestand opened 1 year ago

Rouchestand commented 1 year ago

Dear author, your paper is very creative and I am very interested in it. I am preparing to reproduce your experiment, but the code you provided does not seem to explain how to use the SentiCap dataset and FlickrStyle10k dataset. Can you give me some guidance? I would appreciate it if you could take the time to reply to me.

joeyz0z commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your positive comment. We follow the dataset split in MSCap and MemCap to train a TextCNN classifier. Details of splits and code of TextCNN are as follows: style_datasplit

class textCNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, kernel_num, vocab_size, kernel_size, embed_dim, dropout, class_num):
        super(textCNN, self).__init__()
        ci = 1  # input chanel size
        self.embed = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embed_dim, padding_idx=1)
        self.conv11 = nn.Conv2d(ci, kernel_num, (kernel_size[0], embed_dim))
        self.conv12 = nn.Conv2d(ci, kernel_num, (kernel_size[1], embed_dim))
        self.conv13 = nn.Conv2d(ci, kernel_num, (kernel_size[2], embed_dim))
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(len(kernel_size) * kernel_num, class_num)

    def init_embed(self, embed_matrix):
        self.embed.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(embed_matrix))

    def conv_and_pool(x, conv):
        # x: (batch, 1, sentence_length,  )
        x = conv(x)
        # x: (batch, kernel_num, H_out, 1)
        x = F.relu(x.squeeze(3))
        # x: (batch, kernel_num, H_out)
        x = F.max_pool1d(x, x.size(2)).squeeze(2)
        #  (batch, kernel_num)
        return x

    def forward(self, x):
        # x: (batch, sentence_length)
        x = self.embed(x)
        # x: (batch, sentence_length, embed_dim)
        # TODO init embed matrix with pre-trained
        x = x.unsqueeze(1)
        # x: (batch, 1, sentence_length, embed_dim)
        x1 = self.conv_and_pool(x, self.conv11)  # (batch, kernel_num)
        x2 = self.conv_and_pool(x, self.conv12)  # (batch, kernel_num)
        x3 = self.conv_and_pool(x, self.conv13)  # (batch, kernel_num)
        x =, x2, x3), 1)  # (batch, 3 * kernel_num)
        x = self.dropout(x)
        logit = self.fc1(x)
        return logit

    def get_batch_captions_style_scores(self, captions, tokenizer, device):
        input_ids = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(captions, padding=True)['input_ids']
        input_ids_ = torch.tensor(input_ids).to(device)
        logits = self.forward(input_ids_)
        probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1)
        predicts = logits.argmax(-1)

        return probs, predicts

    def init_weight(self):
        for m in self.modules():
            if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
                n = m.kernel_size[0] * m.kernel_size[1] * m.out_channels
      , math.sqrt(2. / n))
                if m.bias is not None:
            elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
            elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
      , 0.01)
Rouchestand commented 1 year ago

Your reply has been a great help to me. Thank you very much.

Rouchestand commented 1 year ago

Dear author, I am reproduce your experiment of table 4. I set the parameter sentimenttype ,candidate k, num iterations, α, β ,γ, sentence len is positive, 200, 15, 0.02, 2, 5, and 10. The test results show that BLEU-3 is 1.45, MENTOR is 7.65, and CLIP-S is 0.99, which is a little different from the results in Table 4. In addition, I trained a texCNN sentiment classifier to calculate Acc, but I was unable to obtain the Acc in the table. Could you tell me more about the experimental details in Table 4 and provide the complete code for calculating Acc?

Lxb-Code-Dev commented 11 months ago

Dear author, I have the same question about the results in Table 4, could you provide the complete code for training of TextCNN classifier and calculating Acc?

Lxb-Code-Dev commented 10 months ago

Can you tell me where the factual captions came from? Did you randomly choose from the coco test or somewhere else?

Lxb-Code-Dev commented 10 months ago

Dear author, I am reproduce your experiment of table 4. I set the parameter sentimenttype ,candidate k, num iterations, α, β ,γ, sentence len is positive, 200, 15, 0.02, 2, 5, and 10. The test results show that BLEU-3 is 1.45, MENTOR is 7.65, and CLIP-S is 0.99, which is a little different from the results in Table 4. In addition, I trained a texCNN sentiment classifier to calculate Acc, but I was unable to obtain the Acc in the table. Could you tell me more about the experimental details in Table 4 and provide the complete code for calculating Acc?

Can you tell me where the factual captions came from? Did you randomly choose from the coco test or somewhere else?