johan-v-r / LibSassBuilder

Sass builder for .NET projects
MIT License
99 stars 14 forks source link

Project replaced with DartSassBuilder

This project will be archived due to LibSass deprecation.

"LibSass is now deprecated—new projects should use Dart Sass instead." -


Inspired by Delegate.SassBuilder and LibSassHost

Build NuGet Package .NET Global Tool
Build Nuget .NET Tool


Nuget Package

LibSassBuilder NuGet package adds a build task to compile Sass files to .css. It's compatible with both MSBuild (VS) and dotnet build.

No configuration is required, it will compile the files implicitly on project build.

  <!-- outputstyle option -->
  <LibSassOutputStyle Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'">expanded</LibSassOutputStyle>
  <!-- level option -->
  <!-- msbuild output level -->
  <!-- take full-control -->

  <!-- add files manually -->
  <SassFile Include="Vendor/**/*.scss" /> 
  <SassFile Include="Styles/**/*.scss" Exclude="Styles/unused/**" />
  <!-- Take even more full-control -->
  <LibSassBuilderArgs>directory "$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)"</LibSassBuilderArgs>
  <!-- msbuild output level -->

.NET Global Tool


dotnet tool install --global LibSassBuilder-Tool


lsb [optional-path] [options]
lsb help
lsb help directory
lsb help files

Generic options

-l, --level      Specify the level of output (silent, default, verbose)

--outputstyle    Specify the style of output (compressed, compact, nested, expanded)

Directory command (default)

Scans a directory recursively to generate .css files

-e, --exclude    (Default: bin obj logs node_modules) Specify explicit directories to exclude. Overrides the default.

--help           Display this help screen.

--version        Display version information.

value pos. 0     Directory in which to run. Defaults to current directory.


lsb directory
lsb directory sources/styles -e node_modules
lsb directory sources/styles -e node_modules -l verbose

Files in the following directories are excluded by default:

Files command (default)

Processes the files given on the commandline

--help           Display this help screen.

--version        Display version information.

value pos. 0     File(s) to process.


lsb files sources/style/a.scss sources/vendor/b.scss
lsb files sources/style/a.scss sources/vendor/b.scss -l verbose


LibSassBuilder can be installed on any project, however the underlying build tool requires .NET 7 installed on the machine.

.NET 5 required with v1.x
.NET 6 required with v2.x


The support is largely dependant on LibSassHost

This tool contains the following supporting packages:

Package as nuget package

./package.ps1 -PackageDir 'C:/LocalPackages' -Version ''