This setup prepares on CentOS9 Stream VM and then runs an Ansible playbook, inspired by ygalblum's quadlet-demo.
This will install Podman on the VM and then configure things using Quadlet, so in the end there is a Nginx container listening on port 8080.
To reach the container from the machine running vagrant
you need to find out the Vagrant VM's IP address, e.g.
by using the vagrant address plugin or roaming through
the Ansible inventory file in
Then run a simple curl IP:8080
and you get the
default NGINX page. Hooray!
, using vagrant box add generic/centos9s
.git submodule init && git submodule update
vagrant up
In case you do not want Ansible to setup Podman (because you want to install it yourself), just comment out the following lines in the Vagrantfile
node.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
ansible.compatibility_mode = "2.0"
ansible.playbook = "ansible/playbook-vagrant.yml"
end # node.vm.provision