johannessen / neo4j-driver-perl

Neo4j graph database driver (Bolt/Jolt) for Perl
Artistic License 2.0
5 stars 1 forks source link


This software is an unofficial Perl community driver for the Neo4j graph database server. It is designed to follow the Neo4j Driver API, allowing clients to interact with a Neo4j server using the same classes and method calls as the official Neo4j drivers do. This extends the uniformity across languages, which is a stated goal of the Neo4j Driver API, to Perl.

For networking, HTTP (Jolt / JSON) and Bolt are supported by this driver. Use of the Bolt protocol requires the XS module Neo4j::Bolt to be installed as well.

This driver targets the Neo4j community edition, version 2.0 and newer (including Neo4j 5). The Neo4j enterprise edition and AuraDB are only supported as far as practical, but issue reports and patches are welcome.

See TODO.pod for known issues and planned improvements.


Released versions of Neo4j::Driver may be installed via CPAN:

cpanm Neo4j::Driver

CPAN distribution

To install a development version from this repository, run the following steps:

git clone && cd neo4j-driver-perl
cpanm Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::AJNN
dzil install

dzil release   # upload a new version to CPAN

Build and Test Status

This is a “Pure Perl” distribution, which means you don’t need Dist::Zilla to contribute patches. You can simply clone the repository and run the test suite using prove instead.