johnSamilin / rosplata

Opensource collaborative finance manager
MIT License
24 stars 5 forks source link
collaborating expence-tracker-application finance-management opensource self-hosted

This is an app from the future

Most likely you won't be able to run it now

Don't run the demo

Rosplata: collaborative finance manager - opensource, finance management, expense tracker, collaborate | Product Hunt

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This is an experiment on whether you can create relatively big functional web app using only web platform features and ECMAScript standards (no bundling, no babel, almost no polyfills, almost no 3rd party libs)


Currently demo can be found here

Supported browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari

Drop me a line if you have anything in mind!

When would you need it?

Imagine a situation: you and your friends go to a bar (possibly abroad with no internet available). You order something, have fun. In the end you get the check and no one remembers what did they order and who spent how much. This is exactly the problem Rosplata is here to solve.


Currently available currencies


There are several features that your browser must support to run the demo:

Besides, it uses:


Basically, startup process is described here Plus, edit firebaseConfig variable in rosplata\src\core\AuthManager.mjs (you'll obtain those credentials when setting up Firebase)


Look ma, I'm on TV

How do I make webapps nowadays?


How do I work on opensource project Rosplata

Philosophic questions of webapps internationalization


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