A sample bot for Slack that will search, create, and unfurl ServiceNow Incidents.
Variable | Value | Description |
PORT | 3000 | The HTTP Port to run the webserver on |
SCOPE | bot,commands | The Slack OAuth scope to request |
CLIENT_ID | N/A | The Slack OAuth Client Id code |
CLIENT_SECRET | N/A | The Slack OAuth Client Secret code |
TOKEN | N/A | The Slack Verification Token (optional) |
STORE | data/teams.json | A string path to a filestore or a custom store object |
SN_CLIENT_ID | N/A | ServiceNow OAuth Client ID |
SN_CLIENT_SECRET | N/A | ServiceNow OAuth Client Secret |
SN_LOGIN | N/A | ServiceNow Login |
SN_PASSWORD | N/A | ServiceNow Password |
SN_DOMAIN | N/A | ServiceNow Domain |
SLASH_COMMAND | incidents | The Slash Command to trigger search and create |
npm start
Once the server is started, you will need to install the App on Slack to use it. To do so, navigate to [your url]/slack