johnbrun / alfresco-cloud-store

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S3 Content Store for Alfresco

This content store implementation uses the jets3t API for Amazon S3 store content into S3 instead of the local FileSystem.


Simply add this project as a new project to an existing Eclipse Workspace that's already configured with either the Alfresco SDK or an Alfresco SVN checkout.


You must edit the following lines on build.xml to point to your Alfresco installation and the "root" directory of your checked out source code:

You may also need to change the following values if you are using the Alfresco SDK rather than source code checkout of Alfresco.

For example:

The build script has been tested only from within Eclipse.


The default configuration will work automatically. Simply build an AMP and deploy it with the Module Management Tool as is standard.

You will need to edit and supply your Amazon AWS credentials plus an S3 bucket name.


s3.accesskey=12345ABCD1234ABCD s3.secretkey=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX s3.bucketname=alfs3bucketsample

The project is configured to use a caching content store. The following properties will need to be added to your

dir.cachedcontent=/path/to/cache system.content.caching.cacheOnInbound=true system.content.caching.maxDeleteWatchCount=1 system.content.caching.contentCleanup.cronExpression=0 0 3 ? system.content.caching.timeToLiveSeconds=0 system.content.caching.timeToIdleSeconds=60 system.content.caching.maxElementsInMemory=5000 system.content.caching.maxElementsOnDisk=10000 system.content.caching.minFileAgeInMillis=2000 system.content.caching.maxUsageMB=4096 system.content.caching.maxFileSizeMB=0

For more information on these properties and caching content store configuration see

Alternate Configuration:

One can configure a replicated configuration that uses both the local filesystem and S3 to store content. The primary benefit is that the local filesystem can be purged at will in order to control disk utilization. For example, a cron job could be used to clear the local filesystem contentstore every night at midnight. This can happen while Alfresco is still running. Request for files will be redirected to S3 which will then populate the local filestore to make future read operations perform faster.

See: replicating-s3-content-services-context.xml.sample


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