johnbrussell / gtfs_parser

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This is a GTFS parser. I built it to be used with gtfs-traversal, but it can be used for more general purposes. Its main feature is that it amalgamates the data in ways that:


Typically, something like this:

from gtfs_parser.gtfs_parsing.analyses import determine_analysis_parameters, parse

configurations = determine_analysis_parameters(config)
configuration_to_analyze = configurations[0]  # choose appropriate index

data = parse(configuration_to_analyze, data_location)

where config is a dictionary that stores information about what you need parsed (more on that below) and data_location is the file path to the folder containing the folder for the GTFS data for the agency whose data is in the configuration_to_analyze.


The config variable in the example above typically looks something like this:

  "agencies": {
    "mbta": {
      "data_sets": {
        "2018-10-13": {
          "start_date": "2018-10-13",
          "end_date": "2018-10-19",
          "route_types_to_solve": [0, 1]

In the example: