Accepted to CVPR 2021 L2ID Workshop.
In this paper, we propose Domain Agnostic Meta Score-based Learning (DAMSL), a novel, versatile and highly effective solution that delivers significant out-performance over state-of-the-art methods for cross-domain few-shot learning. We identify key problems in previous meta-learning methods over-fitting to the source domain, and previous transfer-learning methods under-utilizing the structure of the support set. The core idea behind our method is that instead of directly using the scores from a fine-tuned feature encoder, we use these scores to create input coordinates for a domain agnostic metric space. A graph neural network is applied to learn an embedding and relation function over these coordinates to process all information contained in the score distribution of the support set. We test our model on both established CD-FSL benchmarks and new domains and show that our method overcomes the limitations of previous meta-learning and transfer-learning methods to deliver substantial improvements in accuracy across both smaller and larger domain shifts.
The following datasets are used for this paper.
Downsampled for faster training:
Direct (must login):
Plant Disease:
Direct: command line kaggle datasets download -d plant-disease/data
Direct: command line kaggle datasets download -d nih-chest-xrays/data
Note that some rearrangement of the files is required in order to fit the format of the dataloader.
The codebase is built on previous work by [1] and [2]
The requirements.txt file is provided. Simply use:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the datasets for evaluation (EuroSAT, ISIC2018, Plant Disease, ChestX-Ray8) using the above links for BSCD-FSL. Download the other relevant datasets if testing on other domains.
Download miniImageNet using:
These are the downsampled images of the original dataset that were used in this study. Downsampled for faster training.
Change configuration file ./
to reflect the correct paths to each dataset. Please see the existing example paths for information on which subfolders these paths should point to.
Download the pre-trained models from a link that you can find here: ""
Unzip the file and place it in the main directory of the project
Run the main experiments in this paper for 5-shot, 20-shot and 50-shot
• 5-shot
python --model ResNet10 --method damsl_v2 --train_aug --n_shot 5 --save_iter 600 --fine_tune_epoch 5 --test_dataset CropDisease --gen_examples 17
• 20-shot
python --model ResNet10 --method damsl_v2 --train_aug --n_shot 20 --save_iter 600 --fine_tune_epoch 5 --test_dataset CropDisease --gen_examples 17
• 50-shot
python --model ResNet10 --method damsl_v2 --train_aug --n_shot 50 --save_iter 600 --fine_tune_epoch 5 --test_dataset CropDisease --gen_examples 17
• Example output: 600 Test Acc = 98.78% +- 0.19%
Replace the test_dataset argument with {CropDisease, EuroSat, ISIC, ChestX}.
Replace the method argument with {damsl_v1, damsl_v2}.
If there is an error in data loading in the next few steps below, it is most likely because of the num_workers argument - multi-threading large files may not work, especially at larger shots.
If error is encountered, do the following: Configure the num_workers=0 in the data_loader_params in the functions of SetDataset2.get_data_loader in:,,,
Another edit you can do is to if you run out of RAM is to change the data_loading process to read images on the fly (this would reduce the memory load but take longer to run).
Train supervised feature encoders on miniImageNet for 400 epochs
• Standard supervised learning on miniImageNet using SGD
python --dataset miniImageNet --model ResNet10 --method baseline --train_aug --start_epoch 0 --stop_epoch 401
• Standard supervised learning on miniImageNet using Adam
python --dataset miniImageNet --model ResNet10 --method baseline --train_aug --start_epoch 0 --stop_epoch 401 --optimizer Adam
Episodic Training of DAMSL_v2 module on MiniImageNet for another 200 epochs
• GNN on miniImageNet for 5 shot
python --dataset miniImageNet --model ResNet10 --method damsl_v2 --n_shot 5 --train_aug --start_epoch 401 --stop_epoch 601 --fine_tune
• GNN on miniImageNet for 20 shot
python --dataset miniImageNet --model ResNet10 --method damsl_v2 --n_shot 20 --train_aug --start_epoch 401 --stop_epoch 601 --fine_tune
• GNN on miniImageNet for 50 shot
python --dataset miniImageNet --model ResNet10 --method damsl_v2 --n_shot 50 --train_aug --start_epoch 401 --stop_epoch 601 --fine_tune
Note: if we are using damsl_v1 instead, we would need to train the GNN feature encoder as well.
Follow step 2 and 3 in the "Testing using Pre-trained Models" section.
No Data Augmentation
To remove data augmentation, change the argument for --gen-examples from "17" to "0".
Ablation Study: Linear Meta Transfer-Learning
Add argument "--ablation linear"
python --model ResNet10 --method damsl_v1 --train_aug --n_shot 5 --save_iter 600 --fine_tune_epoch 5 --test_dataset CropDisease --gen_examples 17 --ablation linear
Replace the test_dataset argument with {CropDisease, EuroSat, ISIC, ChestX}.
Study of the Confusion Matrix: Asymmetric Confusion
python --model ResNet10 --method damsl_v1 --train_aug --n_shot 5 --save_iter 600 --fine_tune_epoch 5 --test_dataset CropDisease --gen_examples 17
Replace the test_dataset argument with {CropDisease, EuroSat, ISIC, ChestX}.
Score-based Prototypical Networks
Will need to retrain the model between 401 and 601 epochs and then follow the same steps.
Models incldue: {damsl_v1_proto, damsl_v2_proto}
[1] Yunhui Guo, Noel CF Codella, Leonid Karlinsky, John RSmith, Tajana Rosing, and Rogerio Feris. A new bench-mark for evaluation of cross-domain few-shot learning.arXivpreprint arXiv:1912.07200, 2019
[2] Tseng, H. Y., Lee, H. Y., Huang, J. B., & Yang, M. H. Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification via Learned Feature-Wise Transformation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.08735, 2020.