johndeweyzxc / AWPS-Launcher

Executes Wi-Fi hacking operation using the ESP32
MIT License
11 stars 4 forks source link
cybersecurity embedded-c esp32-idf wifi-security

AWPS (Automatic Wi-Fi Penetration System) Launcher Module

AWPS is a penetration software for effortlessly penetrating WiFi-enabled devices secured with WPA2. AWPS provides a way for user to attack nearby access point using an android device automatically or manually. It harnesses the robust capabilities of the ESP32 microcontroller to execute a vital operation in Wi-Fi network penetration. By capturing key data elements like the PMKID and MIC, AWPS allows users to conduct offline brute force attacks using hashcat to derive the PSK or the password of the target Wi-Fi device.

The Launcher Module executes attack based on serial inputs, it offers direct user commands or integration with a Command Launch module. The Launcher Module prioritizes simplicity so it requires pairing with an external Command Launch Module for swift and error free execution of attacks. The AWPS Command Launch Module is an Android app, which provides a user-friendly interface for easy interaction with the Launcher Module. It allows user to execute attack at a single press of a button, scan nearby access points, and data management for storing the result of the attack.

For a deeper dive into the Command Launch Module's capabilities and further insights, explore the repository here.


How to Hack Wi-Fi using AWPS and GPU

How to hack the Wi-Fi

Note: The android device presented in the story is the Command Launch Module, the Launcher Module is attached to the Command Launch Module. The actor in step 3 does not send an HTTP request to the Rest API server. The actor directly configures the GPU via a software by typing in the commands. Also the Rest API is only available as a local Rest API server in the LAN. Its primary role is to receive hash from the AWPS android app and store it in a database.

Software Architecture

Launcher Module Software Architecture

Software Components

This module consists of 4 main components, an application entrypoint and one auxiliary component. Here is the brief description of each component:

Hardware Components

In this project, three hardware components are employed: an Android device, USB OTG (On The Go), and the ESP32. While the project has been rigorously tested on the ESP32-WROOM-32D variant, it is expected to be compatible with any microcontroller based on the ESP32-WROOM-32 platform.

AWPS Hardware

How to crack the PMKID or MIC to determine the PSK

Neither the Command Launch Module nor the Launcher Module possesses the requisite capabilities to perform cryptographic cracking operations due to their limited computational power. For comprehensive information on optimizing the process of cracking, kindly refer to the crypto directory


The project AWPS is intended for educational purposes, with the primary goal of raising awareness and understanding of cybersecurity in a legal and ethical context. It is essential to clarify that this tool is NOT INTENDED to encourage or promote any form of unauthorized or unethical hacking activities. Ethical hacking, conducted with proper authorization and consent, plays a crucial role in enhancing the security of digital systems. This project seeks to promote responsible use of technology and responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities to help protect and secure digital environments.

USAGE OF ALL TOOLS on this project for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is ILLEGAL. It is the end user’s responsibility to obey all applicable local, state, and federal laws. I assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this project or software.


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