A new chat server for coordinating Amateur Radio contacts
Under Development -- No warranty, no support, use at your own risk. Security is your responsibility. If you want to run a https version, see Node Express and get free certificates from LetEncrypt.org
couchdb (Apache) -- more info: http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/install/unix.html#installation-using-the-apache-couchdb-convenience-binary-packages
Once you have couchdb installed and running, create a database called 'dash'. This is accomplished with the following command line call *Unix or Linux).
curl -X PUT
Clone the software:
I usually do this in /usr/src, but it is independent.
git clone https://github.com/johnhays/QSOChat.git
cd QSOChat/ChatServer npm install edit routes/index.js with your HamQTH credentials -- https://www.hamqth.com/developers.php and various titles, logo, etc.
copy customvars.js.example to customvars.js and edit customvars.js to change port or IP address, and customize with your login credentials . By default it listens on all interfaces.
Run with sudo ./bin/www or sudo npm start
Create a script to run it as a daemon/service on startup and to restart on failure -- this is OS specific.