johnhungerford / generic-schema

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Generic Schema

A library for generating comprehensive, fully-typed descriptions of data types in Scala 3.


Schema building API

Coproduct type

import generic.schema.exports.*

sealed trait HttpMethod
case object Get extends HttpMethod
case object Post extends HttpMethod
case object Put extends HttpMethod
case object Delete extends HttpMethod

val httpMethodSchema = Schema.coproductBuilder[HttpMethod]
  .description("Http method for a REST request")
  .examples(Get, Post, Put, Delete)
        .fromSuper({ case Get => Some(Get); case _ => None })
  .buildSubtype[Post.type ](
        .fromSuper({ case Post => Some(Post); case _ => None })
        .fromSuper({ case Put => Some(Put); case _ => None })
        .fromSuper({ case Delete => Some(Delete); case _ => None })

Product type

case class HttpRequest(url: String, method: HttpMethod, body: Option[String])

val httpRequestSchema = Schema.productBuilder[HttpRequest]
  .description("Simple REST request model")
        .description("Destination URL for REST request")
        .examples("", "")
        .description("Optional body of the REST request")
        .examples(None, Some("""{"json":"payload"}"""), Some("Simple text body"))
  .construct((url, method, body) => HttpRequest(url, method, body))

Open product type

case class UserData(userId: UUID, userName: String, userData: Map[String, String])

val userDataSchema = Schema.productBuilder[UserData]
  .description("Data type for describing arbitrary metadata associated with a user")
  .addField(Field.primitive[UserData, UUID]("id", _.userId))
  .addField(Field.primitive[UserData, String]("name", _.userName))
  .construct(((id, name), af) => UserData(id, name, af))

Translation to third party codecs/schemas

The principle motivation behind this project is to allow you to generate a single, comprehensive description of a data types that can inform a variety of different I/O tasks like serialization and documentation generation with guaranteed consistency.

In order to support this without making generic-schema itself responsible for serialization and API doc generation, it supports translation to type classes from other libraries that can be used for these purposes. Currently supported are json codecs from Circe and uPickle, as well as Tapir's own Schema type, which it uses to describe input and output values in its endpoint definitions.


import generic.schema.exports.*
import generic.schema.given
import io.circe.*
import io.circe.parser.*

given httpRequestCodec : Codec[HttpRequest] =[Codec]

val req = HttpRequest("http://example.url", Get, None)

// output:
// {"url":"http://example.url","method":"Get","string_body":[]}

parse("""{"url":"http://another.url","method":"Post","string_body":["hello world"]}""")[HttpRequest]
// result:
// HttpRequest("http://another.url", Post, Some("hello world"))

val userDataCodec : Codec[UserData] =[Codec]

val ud = UserData(
    Map("interests" -> "skiing, golf", "height" -> "5\'2\"", "email" -> "")

// output:
// {"id":"a2c51aa1-6951-40d6-9be8-2ed98fbaffe6","name":"john_doe","interests":"skiing, golf","height":"5\'2\"","email":""}

parse("""{"pets":"cat, dog, hamster", "name":"jane_doe", "phone_number":"444-444-4444","id":""1cfde5d9-0876-4669-9131-09b3cdb8df4c 
// result:
// UserData(1cfde5d9-0876-4669-9131-09b3cdb8df4c, "jane_doe", Map("pets" -> "cat, dog, hamster", "phone_number" -> "444-444-4444"))


import generic.schema.exports.*
import generic.schema.upickle.given
import upickle.default.*

given httpRequestRW : ReadWriter[HttpRequest] =

val req = HttpRequest("http://example.url", Get, None)

// {"url":"http://example.url","method":"Get","string_body":[]}
// Note that by default uPickle serializes Options differently from circe

read[HttpRequest]("""{"url":"http://another.url","method":"Post","string_body":["hello world"]}""")
// result:
// HttpRequest("http://another.url", Post, Some("hello world"))

val userDataRW : ReadWriter[UserData] =

val ud = UserData(
    Map("interests" -> "skiing, golf", "height" -> "5\'2\"", "email" -> "")

// {"id":"a2c51aa1-6951-40d6-9be8-2ed98fbaffe6","name":"john_doe","interests":"skiing, golf","height":"5\'2\"","email":""}

read[UserData]("""{"pets":"cat, dog, hamster", "name":"jane_doe", "phone_number":"444-444-4444","id":""1cfde5d9-0876-4669-9131-09b3cdb8df4c 
// result:
// UserData(1cfde5d9-0876-4669-9131-09b3cdb8df4c, "jane_doe", Map("pets" -> "cat, dog, hamster", "phone_number" -> "444-444-4444"))

Tapir schema

A single generic schema instance can derive both a tapir-supported json codec and a tapir schema, making it easy to establish consistency between your REST API definition and your implementation.

import generic.schema.exports.*
import generic.schema.tapir.given
import generic.schema.circe.given

import io.circe.*

import sttp.tapir.{*, Schema as TapirSchema}
import sttp.tapir.json.circe.*

import sttp.tapir.openapi.OpenAPI
import sttp.tapir.openapi.circe.yaml._

given httpRequestTapir : TapirSchema[HttpRequest] =[TapirSchema]

// Needed for tapir's jsonBody input
given httpRequestCodec : Codec[HttpRequest] =[Codec]

// An imagined REST endpoint to remotely execute an http request
val remoteHttpEndpoint = endpoint
  .in(jsonBody[ HttpRequest ])

val remoteHttpSpec = OpenAPIDocsInterpreter()
  .toOpenAPI( remoteHttpEndpoint, "Transactions", "1.0" )

// output:
// ...
//  schemas:
//    HttpMethod:
//      type: string
//      description: Http method for a REST request
//      example: Get
//      enum:
//      - Get
//      - Post
//      - Put
//      - Delete
//    HttpRequest:
//      required:
//      - url
//      - method
//      type: object
//      properties:
//        url:
//          type: string
//          pattern: |
//            [-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)
//        method:
//          $ref: '#/components/schemas/HttpMethod'
//        string_body:
//          type: string
//      description: Simple REST request model
// ...

given userDataTapir : TapirSchema[UserData] =[TapirSchema]

given userDataCodec : Codec[UserData] =[Codec]

// REST endpoint to get user data by id
val userDataEndpoint = endpoint
  .in("users" / path[UUID]("id") / "data")

val userDataSpec = OpenAPIDocsInterpreter()
  .toOpenAPI( userDataEndpoint, "Transactions", "1.0" )

// output:
// ...
//  schemas:
//    UserData:
//      required:
//      - id
//      - name
//      type: object
//      properties:
//        id:
//          type: string
//          format: uuid
//        name:
//          type: string
//      description: Data type for describing arbitrary metadata associated with a user
// ...

Note that tapir does not support open products with fixed fields, so the UserData entry in the above open api spec is missing an additionalProperties schema.

Automatic derivation

Schemas can be derived, as can schema builders so that you can edit the derived schema:

import .generic.schema.exports.*

val httpRequestSchema = Schema.derived[HttpRequest]

// OR

val httpRequestSchema = Schema.derivedBuilder[HttpRequest]
  .description("Http method for a REST request")
  .examples(Get, Post, Put, Delete)

Convert a derived product to an open product:

// Since the field "userData" will automatically be recognized as a regular
// product field, we need to update the schema to make it function as an
// open product
val userDataSchema = Schema.derivedBuilder[UserData]
  .construct(((id, name), af) => UserData(id, name, af))

Easy modification of nested types

One motivating use case for this project is the difficulty of generating a custom schema for a type without much boilerplate and without having to include the schema library as a dependency when defining the code (e.g., using annotations to associate schema information with classes and their fields).

Using type safe component selectors, we can easily retrieve and update fields and subtypes, however deeply these may be nested:

import generic.schema.exports.*

// Update the description and the singleton identifier of the Put
// subtype of HttpMethod (this will have the effect of serializing
// HttpRequest("someurl", Put, None) as {"url":"someurl","method":"Upsert"})
val updatedHttpRequestSchema =
    httpRequestSchema.modifyComponent("method" /~ "Put")(
        _.withDescription("Create or update a record")

// --- OR ---

// Same as above, but using index instead field and subtype name. 
val updatedHttpRequestSchema =
    httpRequestSchema.modifyComponent(1 /~ 2)(
        _.withDescription("Create or update a record")

// --- OR ---

// Same as above, but select by type. 
val updatedHttpRequestSchema =
    httpRequestSchema.modifyComponent(t[HttpMethod] /~ t[Put])(
        _.withDescription("Create or update a record")

// Retrieve the "method" field description from the new http request schema
// defined above, and extract its schema
val updatedHttpMethodSchema = updatedHttpRequestSchema("method").schema


In addition to deriving third party codecs, generic schemas provide utilties for working with values of the type they describe. These utilities include migrations, lenses, and validation.


The utilities dsl provides an extension method convert[B] that will convert a value into an instance of B as long as B is isomorphic to it. There will need to be a given schema in scope for both types. The order of product fields and coproduct subtypes must align for both schemas.

import generic.schema.exports.*
import generic.schema.utilties.*

sealed trait Coproduct1
case object Subt1A
case class Subt1B(a: Int, b: Boolean, c: String)

// Isomorphic type
enum Coproduct2:
    case Subt2A
    case Subt2B(int: Int, bool: Boolean, string: String)

val sch1 = Schema.derived[Coproduct1]
val sch2 = Schema.derived[Coproduct2]
import sch1.givenSchema, sch2.givenSchema

val value1: Coproduct1 = Subt1B(5, true, "hello")
val value2 = value1.convert[Coproduct2]
// value2: Coproduct2 = Subt2B(5, true, "hello")


The utilities dsl provides an extension method select method on any value with a given schema in scope that allows you to select a component from a value and either retrieve the component or modify it.

import generic.schema.exports.*
import generic.schema.utilties.*

sealed trait Coprod
case object Subt1 extends Coproduct
case class Subt2(a: Int, b: Boolean, c: Prod) extends Coproduct
case class Prod(dbl: Double, chr: Char)

val sch1 = Schema.derived[Prod]
import sch1.givenSchema
val sch2 = Schema.derived[Coprod]
import sch2.givenSchema

val value1: Prod = Prod(0.234, 'X')
// 'X'
println("dbl").modify(_ + 10))
// Prod(10.234, 'X')

val value2 : Coprod = Subt2(25, true, Prod(0.234, 'X'))
println("Subt2" / "c" / "chr").retreive)
// Some('X')
// (returns an option because it's retrieved across a coproduct)
println("Subt2" / "c" / "dbl").modify(_ + 10))
// Subt2(25, true, Prod(10.234, 'X'))


The utilities dsl also provides an extension method isValid that return the boolean validation result provided by a given schema that is in scope. It will validate using the schema's genericValidators as well as validators attached to Field or Subtype definitions and will then recursively check their schemas' validators.

import generic.schema.exports.{*, given}
import generic.schema.utilties.*

sealed trait Coprod
case object Subt1 extends Coproduct
case class Subt2(a: Int, b: Boolean, c: Prod) extends Coproduct
case class Prod(dbl: Double, chr: Char)

val sch = Schema.derived[Coprod]
  .modifyComponent("Subt2" / "a")(_.withValidation(Validator.max(25)))
  .modifyComponent("Subt2" / "c" / "dbl")(_.withValidation(Validator.min(-0.234)))
import sch.givenSchema

assert((Subt2(20, false, Prod(2.53, 'x')): Coprod).isValid) // passes
assert((Subt2(26, false, Prod(2.53, 'x')): Coprod).isValid) // throws exception (26 > 25)
assert((Subt2(20, false, Prod(-1.35, 'x')): Coprod).isValid) // throws exception (-1.35 < -0.234)