johnidm / tramsdaol

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About this project

This project is a single page application that allows users to see the current temperature at a certain address.


How to setup environment (development mode)

This application architecture is separated in two parts: frontend and backend.

Backend (server folder)

Create a virtualenv - virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments - We recommend using pyenv to management python versions and virtualenvs.

Create a virtualenv using Python 3.6.

pyenv install 3.6.0
pyenv virtualenv 3.6.0 venv-tramsdaol-3.6.0
pyenv activate venv-tramsdaol-3.6.0 

After the virtualend was created install all dependencies cd server && pip install -r requiriments.txt

Ready, run the project python runserver.

Frontend (client fodler)

You need to install nodejs and Typescript.

We chose Angular 2 to write this application, so you need to install Angular CLI to management angular apps.

Just it, now run the command ng serve.

Database Configuration

First steps after PostgresSQL installation you need to create a user, type the following command createuser -P -s <user>, in sequence create a database createdb <db>.

Do not forget to set the environment variable DATABASE_URL.

export DATABASE_URL=postgres://tramsdaol:123456@localhost:5432/tramsdaol

Running Postgres in Mac postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres.

Running tests

This application was developed with the best practices of software development. So don't forget, Write tests for everything 🕵 .

Run backend tests: python test. Run frontend tests: ng test.


Deploy like a boss

This application is separated into two parts: client and server . So you need to set up two repository in Heroku.

git remote add heroku-client
git remote add heroku-server

You need to build the frontend files. Run the following command:

cd client/
ng build --prod

After build the folder dist was created. This folder contais the minified/concatenated files.

Affter each push you need to rename the correct Procfile, see Procfile.server and Procfile.client.

git push heroku-client master
git push heroku-server master

Server running in: Client running in:

Django Admin user/password : loadsmart/1234qwer.

Future improvements


I've read a few articles to develop this project and improve my code.