johnnydrazzi / USB-uC

USB MSD Bootloader for PIC Microcontrollers
GNU General Public License v3.0
33 stars 9 forks source link


Alt text
A bootloader for PIC microcontrollers, that makes your USB capable PIC appear to your computer as a thumb drive. Programming can be done through MPLABX or by simply dragging and dropping your Intel hex file onto the drive. No programmer, drivers or software to install.

The USB stack has been compliance tested using USB-IF's USB 3 Command Verifier (USB3CV) tool.  


Currently supports:
PIC16F1459 Family:

PIC18F4450 Family:

PIC18F4550 Family:

PIC18F4553 Family:

PIC18F1XK50 Family:

PIC18F45K50 Family:

PIC18F46J50 Family:

PIC18F47J53 Family:

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