johnnyxmas / ScanCannon

External attack surface discovery, enumeration and reconnaissance for massive networks
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Feature request #3

Open dark-warlord14 opened 4 years ago

dark-warlord14 commented 4 years ago

It will be more efficient if we can launch few more nmap instances in parallel so it will increase the scanning speed. with current configuration if one ip is having many open ports the nmap hangs there and we loose a lot of time. It will be better if we launch 5 nmap instances scanning for different ip so the work will get done more efficiently. I would like to know your input on this one

johnnyxmas commented 4 years ago

I'm relying on the default parallelism management built into the modern nmap build here, but if you have a reliable means of increasing this without requiring specialized hardware, I'm open to the idea. In my experience, launching multiple separate instances of nmap quickly results in slower performance on this large of a scale vs. allowing nmap to manage everything itself. If you have some good alternatives, submit a PR and I'll review.