johnnyxmas / ScanCannon

External attack surface discovery, enumeration and reconnaissance for massive networks
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asset-inventory asset-management attack-surface enumeration hacking-tool penetration-testing pentesting reconnaissance

ScanCannon v1.1


A Bash script for efficient enumeration of massive Internet network ranges.

Handles the enumeration of large, internet-based networks at high speed. Uses masscan to quickly identify open ports, then calls nmap to gain details on the systems/services listening on those ports.


Don't nmap and masscan do the same thing? Why use both?

Masscan, by nature of what makes it so fast, has a potential for losing packets and thus reporting false negatives during many scans. Thus, Masscan is used to identify which IP addresses have a listening host, then hands this full list off to Nmap. Nmap, on the other hand, is insanely slow when scanning massive networks which is why Masscan was created, so we use Masscan first to shrink the actual number of hosts to attempt to scan deeper.

Doesn't $Tool[x] do all of this and more? Why use this one?

While there is an ocean of tools for performing enumeration in this manner, everything wants to be the one-stop shop for attack surface and OSINT cataloging. This inevitably results in an AOL-level tool and interface that is good at a small number of things, but not great at the rest, and its output still requires a lot of annoying custom parsers to import into the better tools you want to use. This tool does a sparse few things, and outputs to universally-acceptaed flat files.


`$ [CIDR range | Targets file] -u

-u Perform UDP scan on common ports (53, 161, 500) using nmap (very slow)

Targets file contains a line-separated list of CIDR networks

Masscan arguments can be modified within scancannon.conf. DO NOT add arguments that are already present in the script itself; these are hard-coded for a reason and changing them will break stuff. Be aware that Masscan first reads from its default conf file (usually /etc/masscan/masscan.conf) and overrides it with anything provided in scancannon.conf.

Software Requirements


It is VERY FEASIBLE to execute a Denial of Service against the target networks, even when launching from a single source. You should start with a very low masscan max-rate (5,000-10,000 kpps) and increase slowly to test. Even 10,000 kpps can take down some SOHO routers (Is it the new deauth attack?). On bare metal, pushing beyond 20,000 seems to increase the chances of missing responses from the target. 40,000 kpps has been known to DoS ESXi virtual switches (even on the source). ~200,000 is often enough to take out ISP equipment (but will probably literally melt your NIC first).

Known Issues


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You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation.

No warranties are given.

For the full text of this license, see LICENSE.