johnpolacek / SimpleVid

jQuery Plugin for Fluid Video
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Responsive Video

jQuery Plugin for a video player that scales to fit its container

How to Use

Add video element to your html inside a container div that is styled to scale with the size of the browser window

<div id="container">
    <video id="myVideo" width="640" height="360" poster="img/poster.jpg" controls autoplay>
        <source src="" type="video/mp4"  />

First, link to jQuery and then to vidobject.js. Next, create a new vidobject and apply any custom settings to it. Last, use vidobject to target the video element(s) on the page.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
    var vidobject = new $.vidobject({
        player: 'swf/vidobject.swf',
        buttonColor: '#FFFFFF',
        accentColor: '#BBBBBB',
        backgroundColor: '#111111',
        scaleVideo: true,
        fullScreen: true

Parameters are:

player: path to the vidobject.swf player buttonColor: video controls button color (default is '#FFFFFF') accentColor: video controls accent color (default is '#BBBBBB') backgroundColor: video controls background color (default is '#111111') scaleVideo: set to false if you don't want the video to scale
fullScreen: set to false to disable full screen mode

Responsive Video Object created by John Polacek