Fluentd output plugin to put metric data to AWS CloudWatch.
This plugin for fluentd-0.14.x or later.
$ gem install fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-put
Add following line to your Gemfile:
gem "fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-put"
And then execute:
$ bundle
See also: Fluent::Plugin::Output
<match cloudwatch.metric_name>
@type cloudwatch_put
<buffer tag, key1>
path cloudwatch.*.buffer
flush_interval 1m
aws_key_id "#{ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"]}"
aws_sec_key "#{ENV["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"]}"
region ap-northeast-1
namespace "Dummy/Namespace"
metric_name ${tag[1]}
unit Count
value_key value
name method
value ${key1}
CloudWatch metric namespace (support placeholder)
CloudWatch metric name (support placeholder)
Use record key as metric name
Default value: false
CloudWatch metric unit (support placeholder)
Use this key as metric value
Cloudwatch storage resolution
Default value: 60
If this is true, aggregates record chunk before put metric
Dimension name (support placeholder)
Use this key as dimension value. If use_statistic_sets is true, this param is not supported. Use value
Use static value as dimension value (support placeholder)
Default value: 30720
Default value: 20
AWS access key id
AWS secret key.
region name
Default value: us-east-1
URI of proxy environment
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume
An identifier for the assumed role session
An IAM policy in JSON format
The duration, in seconds, of the role session (900-3600)
A unique identifier that is used by third parties when assuming roles in their customers' accounts.
Number of times to retry when retrieving credentials
IP address (default:
Port number (default:80)
Number of seconds to wait for the connection to open
Number of seconds to wait for one block to be read
Path to the shared file. (default: $HOME/.aws/credentials)
Profile name. Default to 'default' or ENV['AWS_PROFILE']