jokeyrhyme / cdn-sync

Synchronise a local directory with AWS CloudFront / S3, maintaining correct headers, etc.
MIT License
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Synchronise a local directory with AWS CloudFront / S3, maintaining correct headers, etc.

Getting Started

  1. install the command-line tool with: npm -g install cdn-sync
  2. set up your AWS S3 Buckets retrieve your IAM credentials
  3. save a .cdn-sync.json file in the top-level of the directory to sync
  4. run cdn-sync from within that directory (or any sub-directory


Why is this useful?

Why bother?

Most browsers today support GZIP-deflated content:

If you are confident that you don't need to support these ancient user agents, then you may skip detection completely and just assume that all of your users have modern web browsers.


(Coming soon)



Example .cdn-sync.json

  "targets": [
      "type": "aws",
      "options": {
        "accessKeyId": "...",
        "secretAccessKey": "...",
        "region": "...",
        "sslEnabled": true,
        "Bucket": "..."
      "strategy": ["clone"]

Note: for targets[index].options, use the options you would pass to the AWS.S3 constructor.


Formal style-guide for this project is JSLint. See JSLint settings at the top of each file.

Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code:

npm test

This project uses Git Flow, so the master branch always reflects what is in production (i.e. what is in the NPM repository). New code should be merged into the develop branch.

Release History

See GitHub Releases


Copyright (c) 2013 Ron Waldon Licensed under the MIT license.