Basic computational linguistics and natural language processing in Python.
pip install textanalytics
pip install git+
This package provides code to support introductory courses in computational linguistics or natural language processing. These courses are available free on edX:
Introduction to Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing with Python
Visualizing Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing with Python
from text_analytics import TextAnalytics
ai = TextAnalytics()
style, vocab_size = ai.get_features(df, features="style")
style = Function word n-grams
sentiment = Positive and negative words
content = Top content words with TD-IDF weighting, PMI for finding phrases, no stop words
constructions = A bag-of-constructions syntactic representation
ai.shallow_classification(df, label, features="style", cv=False, classifier='svm')
ai.mlp(df, label, features="style", validation_set=False, test_size=0.10)
Topic Models
ai.train_lda(df, n_topics, min_count)
topic_df = ai.use_lda(df, labels="Author")
Vector Semantics
ai.train_word2vec(file, min_count, workers)
Document and Word Clusters
cluster_df = ai.cluster(x, y=None, k)
*Nearest document searches
y_sample, y_closest = ai.linguistic_distance(x, y, sample=1, n=3)
PMI-based Phrases
Delta P-based Phrases
association_df = ai.get_association(df, min_count = 1, save_phraser = True)
Basic word frequencies
vocab = ai._get_vocab_list(df, min_count, return_freq = True)
Corpus Comparisons
similarity = ai.get_corpus_similarity(df1, df2)