jonathonmcmurray / ws.q

Simple library for websockets in kdb+/q
MIT License
32 stars 12 forks source link
feedhandler kdb pubsub websockets


A simple set of modules for using WebSockets in KDB+/q

ws-client provides function to open a WebSocket as a client, allowing definition of a per- socket callback function, tracked in a keyed table .ws.w

ws-server provides pub/sub functionality, with an example implementation in the form of wschaintick.q, a chained tickerplant which subscribes to a regular kdb+tick TP & republishes received records via WebSockets. See below for more details.

ws-handler is a generic wrapper for in order to allow different handlers to be defined depending on wether the q session is a client or server for the present connection. Typically it shouldn't be loaded directly but will be loaded as a dependency of the client/server libs.


The simplest way for most people to setup will be using the standalone scripts from the latest release in the repo's Releases tab. These scripts can be loaded directly into a q session & have no dependencies e.g. (with client library)

 $ q
KDB+ 4.0 2020.05.04 Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Kx Systems
l64/ 12(16)core 16296MB jonny desktop-c4h2kis EXPIRE 2021.06.05 KOD #4171328

q)\l ws-client_0.2.0.q
q).echo.h "hello world"
q)"hello world"

Note that other examples in this readme use e.g. .utl.require"ws-client" to load lib instead of \l - you can simply replace with the relevant \l command if using the standalone scripts.

It should be possible to load both ws-client_*.q and ws-server_*.q in the same q process without conflict if a single process needs to act as both a server & client.

Installation via Anaconda

It is also possible to install the modules via Anaconda. Assuming an Anaconda distribution is installed (e.g. miniconda), installation is as follows:

$ conda install -c jmcmurray ws-client ws-server

(If only one module is required, the other can be excluded. ws-handler will automatically be installed as a dependency of both)

Manual installation is also possible, requiring set up of qutil & the reQ module. Following this, copy or link the ws-* directories from this repo into the $QPATH directory.

Example (client via ws-client)

$ q
KDB+ 3.5 2017.10.11 Copyright (C) 1993-2017 Kx Systems
l32/ 2()core 1945MB jonny grizzly NONEXPIRE

q).bfx.upd:{.bfx.x,:enlist x}                                   //define upd func for bitfinex
q).spx.upd:{.spx.x,:enlist x}                                   //define upd func for spreadex
q)["wss://";`.bfx.upd]      //open bitfinex socket
q)["wss://";`.spx.upd]        //open spreadex socket
q).bfx.h .j.j `event`pair`channel!`subscribe`BTCUSD`ticker      //send subscription message over bfx socket
q).bfx.x                                                        //check raw messages stored
q).spx.x                                                        //check raw messages stored
q).ws.w                                                         //check list of opened sockets
h| hostname           callback
-| ---------------------------
3|   .bfx.upd
4| .spx.upd
$ q
KDB+ 3.5 2017.11.30 Copyright (C) 1993-2017 Kx Systems
l64/ 8()core 16048MB jmcmurray EXPIRE 2018.06.30 AquaQ #50170

q).echo.h "hi"
.echo.h "kdb4life"

Verbose mode

A 'verbose' mode has been added, in which requests & responses are logged to console. To activate, either set .ws.VERBOSE:1b before calling or start the process with -verbose in the args, for example:

:wss:// GET /ws/2 HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Date: Wed, 23 May 2018 22:58:33 GMT
Connection: upgrade
Set-Cookie: __cfduid=d6383731dd7eed3f0205ecf48a7e8548d1527116313; expires=Thu, 23-May-19 22:58:33 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: HSmrc0sMlYUkAGmm5OPpG2HaGWk=
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
WebSocket-Server: uWebSockets
Expect-CT: max-age=604800, report-uri=""
Server: cloudflare
CF-RAY: 41fb20bdb9e2348e-LHR

GDAX Feedhandler

As a further example of an application using the library, there is included a feedhandler for the GDAX cryptocurrency exchange docs

This is located in examples/gdax.q and should be started from the root of the repo with q examples/gdax.q to ensure it can locate ws.q

In it's provided form, the FH will subscribe to Level 2 data for ETH-USD and BTC-GBP maintaining a book table within the session. This can be changed to publishing to a tickerplant, for example, by modifying the publish function

ws-server & wschaintick.q

These scripts (based off u.q & chaintick.q from kx, respectively) provide pub/sub functionality for WebSockets, and an example in the form of a chained TP to republish records over WebSockets.

Given the data is published over WebSockets, this can be consumed in a wide variety of programming languages (including in q via the client library ws-client, although this is obviously a less efficient option than using kdb+ built in IPC). Some examples are presented below. In each case, wschaintick.q is running on port 5110, along with a standard kdb+tick tickerplant & a dummy feed.

Subscription is done by opening the WebSocket and then writing a JSON object to the socket. This object contains three keys, type, tables and syms. type is "sub" while tables & syms are lists of tables & syms to subscribe to. Similar to u.q, an empty list (including leaving out the key) subscribes to everything available.

Note: if using the standalone version of ws-server_*.q from Releases page, please use wschaintick.q from there as well (version from main repo uses qutil to load ws-server).

q client via ws-client

jonny@grizzly ~/git/ws.q (master) $ q
KDB+ 3.5 2017.10.11 Copyright (C) 1993-2017 Kx Systems
l32/ 2()core 1945MB jonny grizzly NONEXPIRE

q)upd:{show x};["ws://localhost:5110";`upd]
q)h .j.j enlist[`type]!enlist`sub
q)"[\"quote\",[{\"time\":\"0D21:59:47.593326000\",\"sym\":\"INTC\",\"bid\":65.27,\"ask\":66.32,\"bsize\":47,\"asize\":67,\"mode\":\"A\",\"ex\":\"N\"},\n {\"time\":\"0D21:59:47.593326000\",\"sym\":\"INTC\",\"bid\":65.54,\"ask\":67.03,\"b..
"[\"quote\",[{\"time\":\"0D21:59:48.593450000\",\"sym\":\"GOOG\",\"bid\":108.89,\"ask\":109.99,\"bsize\":54,\"asize\":49,\"mode\":\" \",\"ex\":\"N\"},\n {\"time\":\"0D21:59:48.593450000\",\"sym\":\"DOW\",\"bid\":23.39,\"ask\":25.24,\".. 
"[\"quote\",[{\"time\":\"0D21:59:49.093454000\",\"sym\":\"MSFT\",\"bid\":12.61,\"ask\":13.07,\"bsize\":44,\"asize\":45,\"mode\":\"A\",\"ex\":\"N\"},\n {\"time\":\"0D21:59:49.093454000\",\"sym\":\"DOW\",\"bid\":23.63,\"ask\":24.29,\"bs..
"[\"trade\",[{\"time\":\"0D21:59:49.593353000\",\"sym\":\"INTC\",\"price\":66.12,\"size\":66,\"stop\":false,\"cond\":\"E\",\"ex\":\"N\"},\n {\"time\":\"0D21:59:49.593353000\",\"sym\":\"INTC\",\"price\":66.17,\"size\":72,\"stop\":false..
"[\"quote\",[{\"time\":\"0D21:59:50.093468000\",\"sym\":\"GOOG\",\"bid\":108.33,\"ask\":109.98,\"bsize\":51,\"asize\":44,\"mode\":\"Z\",\"ex\":\"N\"},\n {\"time\":\"0D21:59:50.093468000\",\"sym\":\"HPQ\",\"bid\":31.36,\"ask\":31.62,\"..


jonny@grizzly ~/git/ws.q (master) $ more eg.js
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const ws = new WebSocket('ws://' + process.argv[2]);

ws.on('open', function open() {
ws.on('message', function incoming(data) {
jonny@grizzly ~/git/ws.q (master) $ node eg.js 5110
 {"time":"0D22:03:21.593401000","sym":"IBM","bid":26.15,"ask":27.98,"bsize":21,"asize":17,"mode":" ","ex":"N"},