jonbakke / boredserf

Fork of surf; minimalist WebKitGTK web browser.
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link

boredserf - simple web browser

Manifestish summary: your web browser should be like a bored serf. Perhaps the time for pitchforks and democracy hasn't arrived yet, but we should still do what we can to put the power of the web back into the hands of the people.

Alternative explainer: of these three things -- coastal waves, your surfboard, and what you do with the two of them -- which one would you want to be boring? The tool you use to browse the web should be the same.

Geekspeak summary: boredserf is a browser built on the WebKitGTK[0] engine with the idea that the best programs are pipelines of simpler programs composed to suit the need at hand.


Ugly. Ugly ugly ugly. Stay away unless you're ready for things to go wrong.

boredserf is currently little more than a fork of surf[1]. boredserf no longer maintains surf's philosophy and style, yet neither has it implemented its own. As the maps might once have said: There Be Bugs, Likely Big Ones With Wings And Pointy Teeth.

Users of commercial operating systems need not apply.

Content Blocker

Mostly functioning:

Still needed:



Still needed:

Architecture/Implementation/Code Style


Still needed:

Why fork?

In the opinion of the boredserf originator, three things were necessary to make the browser usable but were incompatible with the suckless philosophy.[2]

The first need was to implement a content filter. The web is not safe without one; the web is more comfortable and productive when the user is able to find the content they want with minimal abuse. A basic content filter represented one-third of a patched surf's codebase; with maturity, it will likely become larger than the essential browser-engine-window that surf provides. As suckless is explicitly opposed to adding lines of code regardless of their purpose, this tool appears incompatible with surf. We hope surf will someday achieve its vision of a suckless content filter, but this is not it.

The second need is to allow concurrent and interleaved feature development. surf development occurs via patches, typically git commits via email. Many patches have bit rot; are mutually incompatible; substantially overlap in purpose; and make it difficult to offer even unrelated contributions. Maintaining all features in a single repository would ease discovery, testing, depreciation, and removal. We know suckless has good reasons for maintaining this development approach, however it is best suited to the small, simple programs that align with their philosophy -- not large programs such as even a minimal implementation of a WebKitGTK program.

The third need is to improve code clarity. As with process, above, the costs and benefits of different stylistic choices change when the scope which the code must cover grows too large to meet with a minimal-code philosophy. Within a collection small programs that use consistent libraries and idioms, a concise style is expressive and powerful. Within a large program that uses diverse libraries and which must deploy varying idioms to use them, a verbose style is necessary to avoid confusion and exhaustion of mental resources. This might be expressed as the difference between knowledge-based and ignorance-based coding. Small utilities seem to be best written in such a way that the contributor must gain a holistic understanding of the code to meaningfully improve it; this is readily attainable and limits problems created by different people making equally reasonable interpretations of the pieces they look at. Large programs seem to be best written in such a way that the contributor need not know anything beyond the adjacent interfaces; the limited breadth of study required of the contributor comes at the cost of increased verbosity in comment and code. boredserf is too large a program to expect any contributor to comprehend the whole thing.

Perhaps, if boredserf achieves its vision of becoming little more than an API, it can return to the suckless fold.


In order to build boredserf you need GTK+ and Webkit/GTK+ header files.

In order to use the functionality of the url-bar, also install dmenu[2].


Edit to match your local setup (boredserf is installed into the /usr/local namespace by default).

Afterwards enter the following command to build and install boredserf (if necessary as root):

make clean install

Running boredserf


boredserf [URI]

See the manpage for further options.

Running boredserf in tabbed

For running boredserf in tabbed[3] there is a script included in the distribution, which is run like this: [URI]

Further invocations of the script will run boredserf with the specified URI in this instance of tabbed.

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4]