joncrangle / sketchybar-system-stats

A simple CPU, memory and disk usage event provider for Sketchybar
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Simple Sketchybar System Stats


This is a simple event provider for Sketchybar that sends system stats to Sketchybar via the event trigger system_stats.


Prebuilt binaries

You can download a prebuilt binary for Apple Silicon (aarch64) and Intel Macs (x86_64) from the latest release.

Build locally

  1. Install the Rust toolchain.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
  1. Use cargo to build the binary:
git clone
cd sketchybar-system-stats
cargo build --release

CLI usage

Use the help command to get usage information:

$ stats_provider --help
A simple system stats event provider for Sketchybar.

Usage: stats_provider [OPTIONS]

  -a, --all                   Get all stats
  -c, --cpu <CPU>...          Get CPU stats [possible values: count, frequency, temperature, usage]
  -d, --disk <DISK>...        Get disk stats [possible values: count, free, total, usage, used]
  -m, --memory <MEMORY>...    Get memory stats [possible values: ram_available, ram_total, ram_usage, ram_used, swp_free, swp_total, swp_usage, swp_used]
  -n, --network <NETWORK>...  Network rx/tx in KB/s. Specify network interfaces (e.g., -n eth0 en0 lo0). At least one is required.
  -s, --system <SYSTEM>...    Get system stats [possible values: arch, distro, host_name, kernel_version, name, os_version, long_os_version, uptime]
  -i, --interval <INTERVAL>   Refresh interval in seconds [default: 5]
  -b, --bar <BAR>             Bar name (optional)
      --verbose               Enable verbose output
  -h, --help                  Print help
  -V, --version               Print version

Example: trigger event with cpu, disk and ram usage percentages at a refresh interval of 2 seconds:

stats_provider --cpu usage --disk usage --memory ram_usage --interval 2

Add the --verbose flag to see more detailed output:

$ stats_provider --cpu usage --disk usage --memory ram_usage --interval 2 --verbose
SketchyBar Stats Provider is running.
Stats Provider CLI: Cli { all: false, cpu: Some(["usage"]), disk: Some(["usage"]), memory: Some(["ram_usage"]), network: None, system: None, interval: 2, bar: None, verbose: true }
Successfully sent to SketchyBar: --add event system_stats
Current message: CPU_USAGE="4%" DISK_USAGE="65%" RAM_USAGE="54%"
Successfully sent to SketchyBar: --trigger system_stats CPU_USAGE="4%" DISK_USAGE="65%" RAM_USAGE="54%"
Current message: CPU_USAGE="6%" DISK_USAGE="65%" RAM_USAGE="54%"
Successfully sent to SketchyBar: --trigger system_stats CPU_USAGE="6%" DISK_USAGE="65%" RAM_USAGE="54%"
Current message: CPU_USAGE="5%" DISK_USAGE="65%" RAM_USAGE="54%"
Successfully sent to SketchyBar: --trigger system_stats CPU_USAGE="5%" DISK_USAGE="65%" RAM_USAGE="54%"

Usage with Sketchybar

Environment variables that can be provided by the system_stats event

Variable Description
ARCH System architecture
CPU_COUNT Number of CPU cores
CPU_TEMP CPU temperature °C
DISK_COUNT Number of disks
DISK_FREE Free disk space GB
DISK_TOTAL Total disk space GB
DISK_USAGE Disk usage %
DISK_USED Used disk space GB
DISTRO System distribution
HOST_NAME System host name
KERNEL_VERSION System kernel version
NETWORK_RX_{INTERFACE} Received KB/s from specified interface
NETWORK_TX_{INTERFACE} Transmitted KB/s from specified interface
OS_VERSION System OS version
LONG_OS_VERSION System long OS version
RAM_TOTAL Total memory GB
RAM_AVAILABLE Available memory GB
RAM_TOTAL Total memory GB
RAM_USAGE Memory usage %
RAM_USED Used memory GB
SWP_FREE Free swap GB
SWP_TOTAL Total swap GB
SWP_USAGE Swap usage %
SWP_USED Used swap GB
SYSTEM_NAME System name (i.e. Darwin)
UPTIME System uptime in minutes

[!NOTE] System stats that are not expected to change between system restarts (e.g. NAME, OS_VERSION, etc.) are sent when the app binary starts, but are not refreshed.

sketchybarrc file

Run stats_provider with desired options by including it in your sketchybarrc config:

killall stats_provider
# Update with path to stats_provider
$CONFIG_DIR/sketchybar-system-stats/target/release/stats_provider --cpu usage --disk usage --memory ram_usage &

Example: use stats_provider to add an item disk_usage, subscribe to the system_stats event and update the disk_usage item.

sketchybar --add item disk_usage right \
           --set disk_usage script="sketchybar --set disk_usage label=\$DISK_USAGE" \
           --subscribe disk_usage system_stats

SbarLua module

-- Update with path to stats_provider
sbar.exec('killall stats_provider >/dev/null; $CONFIG_DIR/sketchybar-system-stats/target/release/stats_provider --cpu usage --disk usage --memory usage')

-- Subscribe and use the `DISK_USAGE` var
local disk = sbar.add('item', 'disk', {
    position = 'right',
disk:subscribe('system_stats', function(env)
    disk:set { label = env.DISK_USAGE }


I wanted a single simple, lightweight binary to provide stats to Sketchybar. I also wanted to learn how to code in Rust, and learning by doing is a great way to learn.
