joncrlsn / dque

dque is a fast, embedded, durable queue for Go
MIT License
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dque - a fast embedded durable queue for Go

Go Report Card GoDoc

dque is:

I love tools that do one thing well. Hopefully this fits that category.

I am indebted to Gabor Cselle who, years ago, inspired me with an example of an in-memory persistent queue written in Java. I was intrigued by the simplicity of his approach, which became the foundation of the "segment" part of this queue which holds the head and the tail of the queue in memory as well as storing the segment files in between.


There are two performance modes: safe and turbo

safe mode
turbo mode



See the full example code here

Or a shortened version here:

package dque_test

import (


// Item is what we'll be storing in the queue.  It can be any struct
// as long as the fields you want stored are public.
type Item struct {
    Name string
    Id   int

// ItemBuilder creates a new item and returns a pointer to it.
// This is used when we load a segment of the queue from disk.
func ItemBuilder() interface{} {
    return &Item{}

func main() {

// ExampleQueue_main() show how the queue works
func ExampleDQue_main() {
    qName := "item-queue"
    qDir := "/tmp"
    segmentSize := 50

    // Create a new queue with segment size of 50
    q, err := dque.New(qName, qDir, segmentSize, ItemBuilder)

    // Add an item to the queue
    err := q.Enqueue(&Item{"Joe", 1})

    // Properly close a queue

    // You can reconsitute the queue from disk at any time
    q, err = dque.Open(qName, qDir, segmentSize, ItemBuilder)

    // Peek at the next item in the queue
    var iface interface{}
    if iface, err = q.Peek(); err != nil {
        if err != dque.ErrEmpty {
            log.Fatal("Error peeking at item ", err)

    // Dequeue the next item in the queue
    if iface, err = q.Dequeue(); err != nil {
        if err != dque.ErrEmpty {
            log.Fatal("Error dequeuing item ", err)

    // Dequeue the next item in the queue and block until one is available
    if iface, err = q.DequeueBlock(); err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Error dequeuing item ", err)

    // Assert type of the response to an Item pointer so we can work with it
    item, ok := iface.(*Item)
    if !ok {
        log.Fatal("Dequeued object is not an Item pointer")


func doSomething(item *Item) {
    log.Println("Dequeued", item)


todo? (feel free to submit pull requests)

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