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It's quick, easy, and safe._ [Get Started Now!]( # Categories - [Buzzing](#buzzing) - [Instabug](#instabug) - [Categories](#categories) - [Conferences](#conferences) - [Chain React - Portland, OR USA](#chain-react---portland-or-usa) - [React Native EU - Wroclaw, Poland](#react-native-eu---wroclaw-poland) - [React Alicante - Alicante, Spain](#react-alicante---alicante-spain) - [ReactNext - Tel Aviv, Israel](#reactnext---tel-aviv-israel) - [React Berlin - Berlin, Germany](#react-berlin---berlin-germany) - [App.js Conf - Krakow, Poland](#appjs-conf---krakow-poland) - [Chain React - Portland, OR USA](#chain-react---portland-or-usa-1) - [React Native EU - Wroclaw, Poland](#react-native-eu---wroclaw-poland-1) - [React Berlin - Berlin, Germany](#react-berlin---berlin-germany-1) - [ReactEurope - Paris, France](#reacteurope---paris-france) - [Articles](#articles) - [Reference](#reference) - [Howtos](#howtos) - [Assorted](#assorted) - [Continuous Integration](#continuous-integration) - [Internals](#internals) - [Components](#components) - [UI](#ui) - [Navigation](#navigation) - [Navigation/Routing Articles](#navigationrouting-articles) - [Navigation Demos](#navigation-demos) - [Deep Linking](#deep-linking) - [Text & Rich Content](#text--rich-content) - [Analytics](#analytics) - [Utils & Infra](#utils--infra) - [Forms](#forms) - [Geolocation](#geolocation) - [Internationalization](#internationalization) - [Build & Development](#build--development) - [Styling](#styling) - [System](#system) - [Web](#web) - [Media](#media) - [Storage](#storage) - [Backend](#backend) - [Integrations](#integrations) - [Monetization](#monetization) - [Animation](#animation) - [Extension](#extension) - [Other Platforms](#other-platforms) - [Utilities](#utilities) - [Seeds](#seeds) - [Libraries](#libraries) - [Open Source Apps](#open-source-apps) - [Frameworks](#frameworks) - [Tutorials](#tutorials) - [Books](#books) - [Videos](#videos) - [Talks](#talks) - [Training & tutorials](#training--tutorials) - [Blogs](#blogs) - [Newsletters](#newsletters) - [Releases](#releases) Many thanks to everyone on the [contributor list](\\:) ## Conferences Conferences dedicated to React Native specifically. A listing of React general conferences can be found on the [ReactJS site]( ### Chain React - Portland, OR USA Workshops - July 11th, 2018\\ Conference - July 12-13th, 2018 ### React Native EU - Wroclaw, Poland Workshops - September 3-4th, 2018\\ Conference - September 5-6th, 2018 ### React Alicante - Alicante, Spain Workshops - September 13th, 2018\\ Conference - September 14-15th, 2018 ### ReactNext - Tel Aviv, Israel Conference - November 4th, 2018 ### App.js Conf - Krakow, Poland Conference - April 4th, 2019 Workshops - April 5th, 2019 ### Chain React - Portland, OR USA Workshops - July 10th, 2019 Conference - July 11th-12th, 2019 ### React Native EU - Wroclaw, Poland Workshops - September 4th, 2019 Conference - September 5th-6th, 2019 ### React Berlin - Berlin, Germany Workshops - December 4th-5th, 2019 Conference - December 6th, 2019 ### ReactEurope - Paris, France Conference - May 14th-15, 2020 Workshops - May 12th-13th, 2020 ## Articles Content published on the Web. ### Reference * [React Native Styling Cheatsheet ★2679]( ### Howtos * [Add client-side indecent content checking to your React Native app using NSFWJS and TensorFlowJS]( * [How to add Firebase Auth with React Native ★4]( * [How to get started with Cloud Firestore on React Native]( * [How to upgrade React Navigation 1.x to 2.x]( * [How to use React Native Navigation v2 with Redux and Google Analytics]( * [React-Navigation Drawer]( * [Getting Started with React Native Development on Windows]( * [Getting Started with React Native Development for Windows]( * [Blueprint to becoming a React Native Developer]( * [How to Use the ListView Component]( * [How to upload photo/file in react-native]( * [Change splash screen in React Native Android app]( * [Remote Push Notifications with OneSignal]( * [Release React Native App to Android Play Store]( * [React Native & Apple TV today]( * [Record and Upload Videos with React Native]( * [How to Setup your First React Native app]( * [Using React Native With TypeScript]( * [How To Build a News Reader App with React Native and NewsAPI]( * [How to Build a Real Time Logo Detection App with React Native]( * [Build a Chatbot with Dialogflow and React Native]( * [How To Build Your First VR App with ViroReact and React Native]( * [React Hooks Basics— Building a React Native App with React Hooks]( * [How to Build a Web App with React Native]( * [Building a React Native Mobile App with AWS Amplify and Expo]( * [User Authentication with Amplify in a React Native and Expo app]( * [How to build an Email Authentication app with Firebase, Firestore and React Native]( * [How to Gracefully Use Environment Variables in a React Native App]( * [How to build a xylophone app with Audio API, React Native, and Expo]( * [How To Use WebViews in a React Native App]( ### Assorted * [React Native Twitter Clone]( - React Native Twitter Clone powered by the Cosmic Headless CMS. [Read about how it was built]( * [Versioning React Native Application in elegant way (cross-platformely) ★10]( * [Best Practices for Building a Large Scale React Application]( * [React Native - Nic or Not App]( * [React and React Native State Museum]( * [Top 15 React Native libraries that I use in my apps]( * [Building 3 React Native Apps in One Summer]( * [React Native: Bringing modern web techniques to mobile]( * [First impressions using React Native]( * [Wrapping Cocoapods for React Native]( * [React Native: Initial Thoughts (opinion)]( * [A Dynamic Crazy Native Mobile Future Powered by Javascript]( * [ReactNative NES & More]( * [React Native Installation and Setup]( * [Diary of Building an iOS App with React Native]( * [Reflecting on React Native development]( * [React-Native layout examples]( * [React Native in Production]( - notes from Clay Allsop * [An iOS Developer on React Native]( * [React Native and WebRTC]( * [How to bridge a Swift view]( * [How to select the right React Native database]( * [Building a Native SoundCloud Android app with Redux]( - discussing redux, code reuse and performance on Android. * [React Native Twitter exploding heart]( - hardcore animations with Animation and ReactART * [Using AI to discover UI components]( - fun image processing / AI assisted process to discover and generate React Native UI * [Writing Android Components]( * [Unit Testing React Native with Mocha and Enzyme]( * [React Native's Layout Animation is Awesome]( * [Avoiding the Keyboard]( * [How To Use OpenCV In React Native For Image Processing]( * [Using Styled Components with React Native]( * [Create a React Native Image Recognition App with Google Vision API]( * [A comprehensive guide on building offline React Native apps with AsyncStorage]( * [Build a Chat App with Firebase and React Native]( * [Building Stylistic UIs with Emotion-JS for React Native]( * [Getting Started with Firestore and React Native]( * [React Native: Native Modules made for React developers]( - on the developer experience with 3rd-party libraries for RN 0.60+ * [Flutter vs React Native - Choosing your approach]( - Comparison article to help you choose the best approach depending on your project and experience. ### Continuous Integration * [How to build and deploy React Native apps for iOS and Android automatically with Appcircle CI/CD]( * [Distributing beta builds with Fastlane on Android and iOS]( * [Deploying a React Native App with Fastlane]( * [Continuous Integration for React Native Apps With Fastlane and Bitrise (iOS)]( * [How to automate Android build process on Bitrise CI]( * [fastlane for React Native iOS & Android app DevOps]( * [The simplest way to automate delivery of your React Native Application]( * [21 Useful Open Source Packages for React Native]( ### Internals * [Performance]( * [React Native Debugger Internals]( * [Dirty-up and execute top-down]( - @vjeux on React's optimizations for background color, layout, and more * [Optimizing React Native]( * [Diving into React Native Performance]( * [Wait… What Happens When my React Native Application Starts? — An In-depth Look Inside React Native]( ## Components Components and native modules. ### UI * [lottie-react-native ★10415]( - A mobile library for Android and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON with bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile! * [react-icomoon]( - With React-Icomoon you can easily use the icons you have selected or created in icomoon. 📦 Zero Dependencies and Lightweight. * [react-native-vector-icons ★9985]( - Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar, image source and full styling. Choose from 3000+ bundled icons or use your own. * [react-native-maps ★8388]( - React Native Map components for iOS + Android * [react-native-swiper ★6955]( - The best Swiper component for React Native. * [react-native-gifted-chat ★6546]( - The most complete chat UI for React Native (formerly known as Gifted Messenger) * [react-native-scrollable-tab-view ★5664]( - A scrollable tab-view for React Native * [react-native-image-picker ★4709]( - A React Native module that allows you to use the native UIImagePickerController UI to select a photo from the device library or directly from the camera. * [react-native-material-kit ★4124]( - Bringing Material Design to React Native * [react-native-snap-carousel ★3959]( - Swiper component for React Native with previews, multiple layouts, parallax images, performant handling of huge numbers of items, and RTL support * [react-native-calendars ★3402]( - React Native Calendar Components 📆 * [react-native-ui-kitten ★3140]( - Customizable and reusable react-native component kit * [react-native-svg ★2982]( - SVG library that works on both iOS & Android * [react-native-image-crop-picker ★2736]( - iOS/Android image picker with support for multiple images and cropping * [react-native-splash-screen ★2663]( - A splash screen for react-native, hide when application loaded, it works on iOS and Android. * [react-native-material-ui ★2536]( - Highly customizable material design components for React Native * [react-native-app-intro ★2433]( - A React Native parallax effect app intro * [react-native-drawer ★2276]( - React Native Drawer * [react-native-typography ★2260]( Pixel–perfect, native–looking typographic styles for React Native * [react-native-fast-image ★2240]( - FastImage, performant React Native image component. * [react-native-blurhash ★105]( - Give your users the loading experience they want. * [react-native-paper ★2218]( - Material design for React Native * [react-native-swipeout ★2194]( - iOS-style swipeout buttons behind component * [react-native-blur ★2172]( - React Native Blur component * [react-native-progress ★2069]( - Progress indicators and spinners for React Native using ReactART. * [react-native-textinput-effects ★2062]( - Text inputs with custom label and icon animations for iOS and Android. Built by react native and inspired by Codrops. * [react-native-modalbox ★2043]( - A component for react-native * [react-native-lightbox ★1917]( - A very Slick and modern mobile lightbox implementation * [react-native-action-button ★1762]( - A customizable Float Button Component for React Native * [gl-react-native ★1750]( - Use OpenGL for performant effects on images and videos * [react-native-modal ★1728]( - An enhanced, animated and customizable react-native modal * [nachos-ui ★1684]( - NACHOS UI kit for React Native. Pick from a bunch of pre-coded UI components ready for your next kick-ass app in JavaScript or React. * [react-native-mapbox-gl ★1663]( - A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps * [react-native-foldview ★1616]( - Animated FoldingCell implementation in React Native * [react-native-modern-datepicker ★12]( - React Native Modern Datepicker * [react-native-spinkit ★1585]( - A collection of animated loading indicators for React Native * [react-native-recyclerlist ★1515]( - High performance listview for React Native and Web with support for complex layouts. * [react-native-parallax-scroll-view ★1486]( - A ScrollView-like component with parallax and sticky header support. * [react-native-chart ★1464]( - React-native-chart is a simple module for adding line charts, area charts, or bar charts to your React Native app. * [react-native-gifted-listview ★1443]( - A ListView that embed some recurrent features like pull-to-refresh, infinite scrolling and more for Android and iOS React-Native apps * [react-native-datepicker ★1365]( - React Native date, datetime and time picker for both Android and IOS * [react-native-viewpager ★1350]( - ViewPager component for React Native * [react-virgin ★1319]( The react-native UI Kit you've been looking for. * [react-native-easy-grid ★1304]( - Easy Responsive Grid Layout for React Native. * [victory-native ★1264]( - Victory-native is a collection of components to help you create charts, bar graphs etc. * [react-native-picker ★1238]( - react-native-picker * [react-native-collapsible ★1174]( - Animated collapsible component for React Native using the new Animated API with fallback. Good for accordions, toggles etc * [react-native-icons ★1168]( - Quick and easy icons in React Native [video]( * [react-native-orientation ★1162]( - Listen to device orientation changes in react-native and set preferred orientation on screen to screen basis * [react-native-tableview ★1105]( - Native iOS TableView wrapper for React Native * [react-native-keyboard-spacer ★1103]( - Plug and play react-Native keyboard spacer view. * [react-native-looped-carousel ★1094]( - Create looped carousel of views or images * [react-native-circular-progress ★1088]( - React Native component for creating animated, circular progress with ReactART * [react-native-popup-dialog ★1088]( - A React Native Popup Dialog Easy Use & Support Use Custom Animation. For IOS & Android * [react-native-largelist ★1054]( - The best performance large list component for React Native (iOS & Android) * [react-native-offline ★977]( - Handy toolbelt to deal nicely with offline/online connectivity in a React Native app. Smooth redux integration. * [react-native-root-toast ★971]( - React native toast like component, pure javascript solution * [react-native-dropdownalert ★894]( - A simple drop down alert with 4 pre-defined types. * [react-native-loading-spinner-overlay ★885]( - The only pure React Native, Native iOS and Android loading spinner (progress bar indicator) overlay * [react-native-tinder-swipe-cards ★881]( - Tinder card style swiping. * [react-native-slider ★845]( - A pure JavaScript component for react-native * [react-native-pathjs-charts ★842]( - Android and iOS charts based on react-native-svg and paths-js * [react-native-flash-message ★810]( - React Native flashbar and top notification alert utility * [react-native-svg-charts ★764]( - One library to rule all charts for React Native * [react-native-masonry ★758]( - A masonry~ish layout for rendering images. * [react-native-credit-card-input ★742]( - 💳 💳 Easy (and good looking) credit-card input for your React Native Project * [rn-placeholder ★1139]( - Display some placeholder stuff before rendering your text or media content in React Native (+ React Native Web!) * [action-sheet-rn ★1]( - Probably the most declarative API for ActionSheets in React Native * [react-native-sglistview ★731]( - A memory minded implementation of React Native's ListView * [react-native-modal-dropdown ★708]( - A react-native dropdown/picker/selector component for both Android & iOS. * [react-native-button ★707]( * [react-native-bottom-sheet-behavior ★701]( - A react native wrapper for android BottomSheetBehavior. * [react-native-tabs ★687]( - React Native platform-independent tabs. Could be used for bottom tab bars as well as sectioned views (with tab buttons) * [react-native-search-bar ★671]( - The native search bar for react native. * [react-native-timeline-listview ★665]( - Timeline component for React Native App * [react-native-toastboard]( - The simplest way to show notification. * [apsl-react-native-button ★653]( - React Native button component with rounded corners. * [react-native-popup-menu ★653]( - Extensible popup menu component for React Native. * [react-native-qrcode ★644]( - react-native qrcode generator * [react-native-easy-toast ★616]( - A react native module to show toast like android, it works on iOS and Android. * [react-router-native ★612]( - A routing library for React Native that strives for sensible API parity with [React Router]( * [react-native-copilot ★595]( - Step-by-step walkthrough for your react native app * [react-native-photo-browser ★565]( - Local and remote photo browser with captions, selections and grid view support. * [react-native-calendar ★559]( - Calendar Component for React Native * [react-native-calendar-events ★510]( * [react-native-parsed-text ★552]( - Parse text and make them into multiple React Native Text elements * [react-native-step-indicator ★538]( - A simple react-native implementation of step indicator widget compatible with the ViewPager and ListView. * [react-native-popover-haobtc ★514]( - A component for react-native * [react-native-dropdown ★507]( - A better Select dropdown menu for react-native * [react-native-star-rating ★489]( - A React Native component for generating and displaying interactive star ratings * [react-native-rating-element ★8]( - A react native rating system supporting: decimal point's rating, direction aware icons like bottom to top or right to left etc, custom icons from Ionicons, custom images and record rating given by users. * [react-native-parallax ★479]( - Parallax effects for React Native using Animated API * [react-native-sketch ★467]( - A react-native <Sketch /> component to draw with touch events. * [react-native-dialogs ★463]( - React Native wrappers for * [galio ★458]( - A fresh react native UI framework. * [react-native-root-siblings ★452]( - Add sibling elements after your app root element. * [react-native-size-matters ★436]( - A React-Native utility belt for scaling the size your apps UI across different sized devices. * [react-native-button-component ★434]( - A Beautiful, Customizable React Native Button component for iOS & Android * [react-native-super-grid ★434]( - Responsive Grid View for React Native. * [react-native-activity-view ★427]( - iOS share and action sheets for React Native * [react-native-canvas ★421]( - A Canvas element for React Native * [react-native-refresher ★419]( - A React Native pull to refresh ListView completely written in js. Also supports custom animations. * [react-native-sortable-list ★412]( A sortable list for react native with both vertical and horizontal direction support. * [react-native-gesture-password ★410]( - A gesture password component for React Native * [react-native-carousel ★406]( - Simple carousel component for react-native * [react-native-country-picker-modal ★403]( - Country picker provides a modal allowing a user to select a country from a list. It display a flag next to each country name. * [react-native-radio-buttons ★399]( - A react component to implement custom radio buttons-like behaviors: multiple options, only on can be selected at once. * [react-native-masked-text ★392]( - A simple masked text and input text component for React Native. * [react-native-accordion ★390]( - An Accordion Component for React Native * [react-native-invertible-scroll-view ★388]( - An invertible ScrollView for React Native * [react-native-message-bar ★384]( - A module for presenting notifications via an animated message bar at the top/bottom of the screen, highly customizable, for React Native (Android and iOS) projects. * [react-native-fit-image ★383]( - Responsive image component to fit perfectly itself. * [react-native-text-input-mask ★383]( - Text input mask for Android and iOS, native implementation RedMadRobot libraries * [react-native-alphabetlistview ★372]( - A ListView with a sidebar to jump to sections directly, based on johanneslumpe's react-native-selectablesectionlistview * [react-native-check-box ★372]( - Checkbox component for react native, it works on iOS and Android. * [react-native-really-awesome-button ★370]( - RNRAB is a 3D at 60fps, progress enabled, extendable, production ready component that renders an awesome animated set of UI buttons. * [react-native-autocomplete-input ★366]( - Pure javascript autocomplete input for react-native * [react-native-splashscreen ★358]( - A splash screen for react-native * [react-native-responsive-image ★344]( - Most elegant Responsive Image component * [react-native-pdf-view ★338]( - View pdf file using react-native * [react-native-image-header-scroll-view ★338]( - ScrollView with an image in header which become a navbar * [react-native-toast ★336]( - An android like toast for react-native support for iOS and Android * [react-native-modal-picker ★333]( - A cross-platform (iOS / Android), selector/picker component for React Native that is highly customizable and supports sections. * [react-native-off-canvas-menu ★327]( - Beautifully crafted off canvas menu components for React native applications. * [rn-sliding-up-panel ★321]( - React Native draggable sliding up panel purly implemented in Javascript. Works nicely on both iOS and Android. * [react-native-search-box ★319]( - A simple search box with animation, inspired from ios search bar. * [react-native-parallax-swiper ★315]( - Configurable parallax swiper based on an iOS pattern. Uses Native Driver for super smooth parallax. * [react-native-gesture-recognizers ★313]( - Gesture recognizer decorators for react-native * [react-native-searchbar ★313]( - An animated search bar for react native with inbuilt search (iOS and Android) * [react-native-app-auth ★310]( - React Native bridge for AppAuth - a PKCE-compliant SDK for communicating with OAuth2 providers * [react-native-circular-action-menu ★305]( - An animated and customizable circular floating menu. * [react-native-effects-view ★304]( - React Native Component that makes easy to use iOS8 UIVisualEffect * [react-native-root-modal ★304]( - React native modal component * [react-native-timeago ★278]( - Auto-updating timeago component for React Native * [react-native-grid-view ★276]( - React Native Grid/Collection View component * [react-native-md-textinput ★275]( - React Native TextInput styled with Material Design. * [react-native-timer-mixin ★274]( - TimerMixin provides timer functions for executing code in the future that are safely cleaned up when the component unmounts. This is a fork that includes react-native InteractionManager support. * [react-native-tableview-simple ★267]( - React Native component for TableView made with pure CSS * [react-native-keyboard-manager ★267]( - Library that allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover on React-Native iOS projects. * [react-native-tabbar ★261]( - Tab bar with more freedom * [react-native-simple-router ★255]( - A community maintained router component for React Native * [react-native-cacheable-image ★255]( - A filesystem cacheable image component for react-native * [react-native-segmented-control-tab ★252]( react-native-segmented-control-tab (for Android/iOS) * [react-native-modal-selector ★249]( - A cross-platform (iOS / Android), selector/picker component for React Native that is highly customizable and supports sections. * [react-native-keyboardevents ★247]( - Monitors keyboard show/hide notifications * [react-native-multiselect ★246]( - Simple multi-select component for react-native. * [react-native-cardview ★239]( - CardView for react-native (All Android version and iOS) * [react-native-shimmer-placeholder ★231]( - Placeholder of React Native * [react-native-progress-hud ★228]( - A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your React Native app * [react-native-qrcode-svg ★228]( - A QR Code generator for React Native based on react-native-svg and node-qrcode. * [react-native-bottom-action-sheet ★226]( - React Native: Native Bottom Action Sheet * [react-native-awesome-button ★222]( - A React Native component rendering a button supporting showing different appearances and functionality given the passed props * [react-native-mobx ★220]( - Make your app reactive with MobX and react-native-router-flux * [react-native-egg ★220]( - An easter egg component implementation simple gestures detection achieve trigger can make your react native app infinitely more fun. * [react-native-progress-bar ★218]( - An animated progress bar component for React Native * [react-native-tooltip ★217]( - A react-native wrapper for showing tooltips * [react-native-emoji ★216]( - Emoji component for React Native * [react-native-image-cache-hoc ★211]( - Higher Order Component that adds advanced caching and persistence functionality to standard Image component. * [react-native-parallax-scroll ★209]( - Parallax Scroll component with sticky header, foreground, native-driver and all scrollable components (FlatList, ListView, SectionList, ScrollView) support. * [react-native-shine-button ★205]( - React Native for Effects like shining * [autoresponsive-react-native ★201]( - A Magical Layout Library For React * [react-native-autolink ★201]( - Autolinking component for React Native * [react-native-carousel-control ★199]( - React Native Carousel control with support for iOS and Android. * [react-native-picker-select ★199]( - A Picker component for React Native which emulates the native `