Raspberry Pi PICO or RP2040 PIO Lib for DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
Based on code from Harry Fairhead (2021): "The Pico In C: A 1-Wire PIO Program".
Pico SDK dependencies only (GPIO and PIO)
See main.cxx
Simply include DS18B20pio.cmake in your CMakefile Then add ds18b20pio into target_link_libaries
Construct object:
DS18B20 ds = DS18B20(pio0, 7);
Giving the pio being used, I've only used pio0. And the GPIO number, in this case 7.
Trigger the device to sample with the command:
Then give the divise approx 1000ms to complete that before reading the temperature with:
float temp = ds.getTermperature();