jongseo98 / project

SW Engineering project
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-LINKER page uses Dark Mode which is trend thesedays.-


-Use LINKER And Link Yourself To Movie Heaven-

User Guideline For The Application LINKER

This is an application that you can easily get movies recommended based on your personal information. We support 3 kinds of functions.

How LINKER Works

Our program recommends movie based on following algorithm.


We recommend movies in order that has higher weighted ratings.

When Lack of Data Happens

When we are lack of data which usually happens when we input detailed data, we subtract the conditions to increase the scope of data.



For basic recommendation for popular genres, you don’t have to search for it. It appears automatically on the front page.

1. User Information Based Recommendation

For other functions, you first select the type of searching to use our program.
There are two searching types as follows.


For the first function, you can input 4types of information: Sex, Age, Occupation, Genre.
All 4 input types are not mandatory. Therefore, you don’t have to select all the information for your input. You may not even input nothing and search the information for recommendation.
We support inputs as follows:

- Sex (Single choice or no input):

Male, Female    

- Age (Single choice or no input):

Under 17, 18~24, 25~34, 35~44, 45~49, 50~55, Over 56    

- Occupation (Single choice or no input):

"other", "academic/educator", "artist", "clerical/admin", "college/gradstudent", "customerservice", "doctor/healthcare", "executive/managerial", "farmer", "homemaker", "K-12student", "lawyer", "programmer", "retired", "sales/marketing", "scientist", "self-employed", "technician/engineer", "tradesman/craftsman", "unemployed", "writer"

- Genre (Multiple choice allowed or no input):

"Action", "Adventure", "Animation", "Children's", "Comedy", "Crime", "Documentary", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Film-Noir", "Horror", "Musical", "Mystery", "Romance", "Sci-Fi", "Thriller", "War", "Western"    

After selecting input, you should click search button. Then, the program would recommend you 10 movies based on your input and weighted rating.


2. Movie Based Recommendation


For second function, you can input 2 types of information: Movie Title, Limit
In this function, movie title is mandatory input. However, Limit is not a mandatory input and if you input nothing the default would be set to 10.
We support inputs as follows:

- Movie Title (Mandatory input):

You should write full name of the movie including yea, for example, “Toy Story (1995)”     

- Limit (Single input or no input):

You can write any number but if it is too large it takes a long time to output (small numbers under 1000 recommended), if you do not input anything, the default of this input is 10.    

After selecting input, you should click search button. Then, the program would recommend you the number of movies that you input which is related with the movie you input.

After the search the output would be shown as follows.


From the output, you can freely click the posters.
Clicking the poster(even if there is no image, just click it), it would lead you to the page to IMDB of the movie which has more detailed information about the movie.


How To Run With DockerFIle

  1. docker build --tag linker:1.0 .
  2. docker run -d --name LINKER -p 8080:8080 linker:1.0
  3. Open http://localhost:8080/LINKER
  4. Wait for loading our main page
  5. Wait for loading movie posters