joni7777 / netcore-seed

.NetCore project with swagger seed repo
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Bp dotnet core seed for microservices

How to use

Fork the repo to A new git repo, using the naming convention: bp-{SERVICE_NAME}-service Rename the sln file in the new repo, to the service name, Bp{ServiceName}Service.sln Rename in the Config\appsettings.json the service info (version and name)

How to add components

Under the component project, will be all of the microservice code Each component will be in A new folder, like Sample and Sample can be removed If some common dto's/functions/models are needed, it could also be added to Bp.Common package

Common configuration info

Config is loaded into the project using netcore environment It assumes the config will be in directory in the main seed project and it will loads the configs by the order:

  1. appsettings.json
  2. appsettings.{Environment}.json
  3. appsettings.{Environment}.local.json

and then the environment variables


Add default logger sinks for mattermost and splunk and console


For splunk logger have in the config:

    "Serilog": {
        "CustomLoggers": {
            "SplunkLogger": {
                "Protocol": "http",
                "Host": "localhost",
                "Port": "3000",
                "Username": "Username",
                "Password": "Password",
                "SourceType": "SourceType",
                "Index": "Index"


For mattermost logger have in the config:

    "Serilog": {
        "CustomLoggers": {
            "MattermostLogger": {
                "Protocol": "http",
                "Host": "localhost",
                "Port": "3000",
                "Path": "bla/6"

Mattermost by default will get only logs from Error level Splunk by default will get only logs from Debug level

Change default port


In appsettings.json change the config:

    "Kestrel": {
        "EndPoints": {
            "Http": {
                "Url": "http://*:{PORT}"


    "Kestrel": {
        "EndPoints": {
            "Https": {
                "Url": "https://*:{PORT}"

Default health checks

There is some default health checks for different dbs

Sql Server

    "Data": {
        "SqlServer": {
            "ConnectionString": "{SQL_CONNECTION_STRING}"

Mongo Server

    "Data": {
        "MongoDB": {
            "ConnectionString": "{SQL_CONNECTION_STRING}"

Extend Bp.ApiRunner configure services

Allow extending configure services of the ApiRunner Using reflection:

  1. loads the EntryAssembly
  2. looks for Class with the name: BpConfigureServices
  3. look for A static public method: ExtendConfigureServices AND OR ExtendConfigure
  4. invoke the method(s) from before with the default startup arguments (IServiceCollection, IConfiguration for ExtendConfigureServices and IApplicationBuilder, IHostingEnvironment, IConfiguration for ExtendConfigure) If the class or one of the methods are null it just skip the null class or method