An EDIFACT library used to validate and convert EDIFACT message formats to and from JSON. Using JSON Schemas you can specify the format of a particular EDIFact message which then allows the message to be marshaled in and out of the EDIFact format.
You can use the CLI tool to convert between formats. First install the library globally to get access to the command edifact-json-to-edi. You will then be able to run the command:
# edifact-json-to-edi -h
usage: edifact-json-to-edi [-h] [-v] [-i IN] [-o OUT] -s SCHEMA
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-v, --version Show program's version number and exit.
-i IN, --in IN Input file. To use STDIN then use "-". Defaults to "-"
-o OUT, --out OUT File to write out to, utf-8 encoded without BOM. To
use STDOUT then use "-". Defaults to "-"
-s SCHEMA, --schema SCHEMA
Schema file or type to use. Types (vermas contrl)
# Using files
edifact-json-to-edi -s schemas/contrl.json.schema -i eg/contrl-message.json -o eg/contrl-message.edi
# Using streams
cat eg/contrl-message.json | edifact-json-to-edi -s schemas/contrl.json.schema > eg/contrl-message.edi